Lets say it how it is . . .


Registered User
I’m not angry with Public servants . . I’m angry with the unions . . I’m also angry with the government for procrastinating over how to deal with the unions . . I believe the Trade unions threaten our countries future financial stability just as much as the Banks have done so in the past . .

Contrary to some peoples beliefs, the government have not had to engineer a Private v Public divide . . The public service Unions have done it all themselves. . I am disgusted nearly anytime I hear a public service union head on radio as they usually make the weakest/shallow arguments for their cause and do so by completely dismissing the majority of the struggling people in this country (even if they give a token mention to them) . . I know many people who would have more support for public servants cause, only for the Union's disgusting tactics . .

Everybody has a right to feel upset about salary reductions . . Everybody has a right to defend their own livelihood . . Everybody has a right for protection in their job. However, if you want to argue or defend your corner, it’s just as important to understand the downside/ramifications of successfully getting your demands met . . Put simply, if there were rollback on the cost cuttings in the public service, the ramifications for our country could be catastrophic.

Here are some statements that we hear from unions that I , a private sector worker with an unemployed wife, find offensive, disgusting & delusional born from lack of education/ignorance –

"We did not cause the mess"
We all in some way in this country contributed to the mess . . The main doorstep of blame should of course be attributed to the financial regulator, the government (including county councillors who made a complete mess of zoning of land) and the bankers. However, as a society we very much wanted this bubble for our own reasons and we voted in the government that gave us what we wanted during the years the rot started . . That aside, by saying "we did not cause the mess" you completely dismiss the fact that most of the people in this country did not directly cause this mess, but most of us cannot use this as a bat to bring to our employer when pleading with them not to reduce our salary . .

“Sure look at those people in Anglo and other industries that are getting pay increases and havent had paycuts ?”
I agree in principle with this question however , what has this got to do with any element of public service pay ? From my understanding the pay increase is due to people in Anglo who are doing more work with a third of the staff, that aside I dont think it has any relevance to the debate of public service pay cuts . . On a like for like basis, Job Security, pension and benchmarking would have to go out the window . . By all means compare yourself with a similar sector or country with similar problems to ourselves (Piigs & Greece) but dont think that these kind of questions look like anything other then a smokescreen to hide the fact that the unions want all the perks that come with working in the private sector with all the benefits that is afforded (and apparently unappreciated) in the public sector.

“We have money to bail out the banks, why dont we have more money to pay the hard working public servants what they are due ?”
We dont have money to bail out the banks . . We are getting loans to do this . . Loans that have been provided with provisions . . The reason we are bailing out the banks is because not doing so would have far more damaging implications on the country . .. . Bailing out the banks in some form (whatever way you look at it) is vital to the stability and future potential growth (and foreign confidence in Ireland) of the country v Keeping public service pay at a level they feel fair . .

The truth is that nearly EVERYBODY working is struggling or feeling pain in some form . . The select few who are not struggling are not a reason why public service salary's should not be cut . . If any of these statements were actually important to unions, then strike for fairness . . Strike for accountability . . Strike for salary cuts for upper paid (overpaid) public servants and Politicians . . But to do that, you need to drop your demands on your own salary . . Therein lies the motivation of the unions (and those who follow them) is nothing to do with what is good for this country, its for themselves . . "Of course its for themselves" I hear somebody say . . Well then dont throw out random comments about how you want fairness, when you completely dismiss the 450k people who dont even have any choices or the other hundreds of thousands who are worried about their own jobs and salaries . . Remember, if the unions get their demands, its the rest of the country that has to pay for it . .

In my opinion, the Unions are currently the biggest risk to this country . . There is a time for unions - When employees are being taken advantage of and are not sharing in a companies success etc . . But now is a time when the country has to get its head down and work harder for less . . The unions are all about more money for their members . . Dont confuse any of their rhetoric for anything other then the Unions justifying their existance . . If they truly want to serve the greater, longer term good of their members they would not encourage any sort of strike or go slow action based on paycut reversal . . If the Unions were in anyway GENUINE about the good of the country and their members, they would be pushing fairness in the correct manner , while educating their members on the importance of cost cutting measures of all sorts. .

Believe me . . If the unions get their way with this rollback on pay WE WILL ALL PAY FOR IT . . Ironically, it has the potential to cost public servants the most if it all goes belly up . .
I think that one of the big issues is that productive public sector workers have had to take big take home pay reductions in order to keep unproductive and unnecessary public sector workers in jobs. They were not allowed consider the option of redundancies and the closing down/amalgamation of unnecessary sections/depts/quangos etc. Pay cuts routinely happen in other sectors and people in the private sector have had to take pay cuts to keep colleagues in jobs - but these have been productive and necessary colleagues. In the private sector, unnecessary people are simply let go. It must be very demoralising to be someone who's taken a big pay cut, yet is working harder, in order to keep someone who has little or nothing to do in a job.

I would agree that the Unions have to take some blame for this. They seem to be too focused on keeping the employee numbers up (thus meaning they have more members and more membership fees) rather than considering whats best for the majority of their members.
I think that one of the big issues is that productive public sector workers have had to take big take home pay reductions in order to keep unproductive and unnecessary public sector workers in jobs. ..MOD EDIT ..

I agree . . But the unions are not interested in differentiating between hard working public servants and the slackers . . They are only interested in membership fees and keeping them high . . The hard workers should drop the unions or at the very least demand more appropriate recommendations . . The unions are trying to have everything their own way , higher paid public servants kept in their ivory tower and ALL lower paid employees with something satisfying to justify their membership fee . .

In all fairness, this could be one area of reform that should be aggresively pursued by government . . Weeding out the slackers (including overpaid managers and people in higher positions) . . I think its actually ridiculous that public servants decide their own salarys and are the main ones making recommendations on how savings can be made . I dont have an alternative suggestion but I am sure there has to be better ways of fairness for both hard working public servants and the taxpayers . . . Afterall, ask a turkey what you should eat on christmas day and they will say anything but turkey . .
Totally agree Northdrum... the unions if they continue on their present course will hurt the country far more than anything else.

I dispaired when I heard about standing ovations at a union meeting today, they are all egging each other on without giving a damn about the future of the country and ordinary people.
I totally agree with the above posts
I am so MAD today... especially now that I have heard that the CPSU gave a standing ovation to the Passport office today and that Blair H guy says he would not apologise to anyone....

When will these people wake up or when will someone shake them...
I dont have any answers but J*sus. please cop on,

I have taken a 20% decrease with no bonus and no increase for the foreseeable future over the past year while still traveling 70% of my time... In addition my better half has lost his job after 18 years of working and there is no possibility of him finding anything. Yes he got his JSB for just over a year...
I am sure Mr P would do any of their jobs for less than them... (him and any of the other 13% who are unemployed)

from having worked in a few different state institutions in this country, I totally agree with what you say. There are some hard workers but there a very high % of people literally doing nothing day in day out. And they can't be touched and they know it....senior management don't have the stomach to take them on as the unions get involved and it becomes bogged down at the LRC or the like, younger staff see the go-slows and come to think of it as the natural way, everyone gets similar annual pay rises within a grade, promotions are handed out to keep the peace....

I could write a book on the waste and work practices that go on!!! What I cannot understand is why the media have never really got stuck into highlighting this area....they must know about it but seem happy to accept the order of things
Delboy.I can back up everything you say,I have seen it first hand.

There have been programmes on TV where a journalist goes undercover to expose this type of thing.

This would be an amazing thing to do,so it can be seen how bad things are.

Id love to do that!!..
Well seeing as we're saying how it is, my take is that collective bargaining for 1000s of workers with absolutely no link to individual performance is the major cause of the problem.

Everyone responds to incentives. It is the incentives we need to regulate to encourage desirable behaviours.

A system involving collective bargaining of wages, with no focus on individual performance, and promotion/pay increases based on longevity rather than merit will never encourage efficiency or productivity.
Dont despair yet, there is only one way this is going ..

The unions have lost a lot of the public sympathy,they are now being seen as way too militant, it has backfired on them, they are losing their power, and the government can see that it has the public backing required to take the unions on.

The clapping at the CSPU conference for the passport workers is just rubbing it in peoples faces and an act of bravado..childish and a sign of nerves IMHO...

Agreed but who in the public service wants that ? The hard working ones would certainly be up for it, but are there enough higher up the ladder to vote/push for such a revolution ?

I still think its remarkable that these people decide their own salaries and payoffs even when they screw up (Fas anybody!) . . Does it not just sound completely wrong ? ? I dont care what they do in other countries, but I dont think politicians and the people working for the state should have ANY say in what they get paid . . Particularly if they are pretty much un-sackable . .
I agree completely with Der Kaiser (and I'm a big bad clerical officer in the civil service). Good post.

I agree but they has to be some kind of bench marks. I use to work in a HSE payroll office and a service was taken over by means of transfer of undertaking. It was a service with 50 staff who got paid monthly, the payroll manager was paid at at grade VII level.

Our payroll manager was a grade VI and was doing very similar work had responsibility for a payroll of 5000. He was co-ordinating a weekly, 2 weekly, 4 weekly and monthly payrolls was paid at grade VI level.