length of time for beneficiary to take assets



Is there a time limit for beneficiary to collect assets they have been left in a will?
Is there a time limit for beneficiary to collect assets they have been left in a will?

It would be helpful if you gave a little more information!

People can be lazy about collecting things they don't particularly want and if it means that , for example, the sale of a property is being delayed, then an executor could arrange to forward the asset to the beneficiary or even threaten to dump it, after a certain time period.

Thanks for response, more details:

Beneficiary has been left contents of house.
House is still occupied and occupier wants to move on but is unsure what can they can get rid of.
Beneficiary requests to drop around, look through things, taking some items away, now talking about getting a valuer.
Process seems a bit drawn out and occupier just wants to close episode.
Wondering if there is a legal time limit on when beneficiary gets notified and when they have to take the stuff away?
House owner could suggest a charge for storage ? Storage solution warehouse..?
I know personally it's very hard to move on from death when constant reminders of the persons possessions around. Good luck .