Legalities regarding setting up a mobile advertising vehicle?


Registered User
hi guys, just wondering if anyone knows of any legalities regarding setting up a mobile advertising vehicle? Cheers.
was programme few weeks ago on joe duffy concerning the placing of those large trucks and billboards in private fields and their wanted removal by the RSA or a heavy fine.

If I remember rightly a mobile advertising vehicle was fine if driving under 50kph.

You can listen back for the podcast show, have the following

Liveline Podcast - billboards on motorways

20 August 2010, 13:00:00

More stories from businesses & small towns that rely on billboard advertising to survive

(maybe not a help at all but thought I post it up)
See Section 3 (2) of Planning and Development Act 2000.

2(a) " where any structure or other land or any tree or other object on land becmes used for the exhibition of advertisements.........................

the use of the land shall be taken to have materially changed"

Therefore afaik such advertising is development, is not exempt from permission and requires planning permission.

Depends on attitude of local authority.