Legal separation settlement figure or court?



I told my husband in January of last year I wanted to separate/ We're married 6 years, he moved into my house (he has no property or car) and I never got around to putting his name on the deeds. He finally moved out in June of last year after months of hell, refusing to go to mediation or collaboration, so I began judicial proceedings.
A year later he has finally agreed to settlement talks next week after a case progression hearing. I have to make a settlement on him and I'm in dire straits financially. I'll have to try to get another mortgage to cover the debts €7000, the legal feees to date €15,000 and a settlement.
My solicitor wants to offer him €50,000, but the absolute most I can cope with repayments and still pay my bills (barely) is €30,000, no matter how I crunch the numbers. She thinks I should take in lodgers..till I'm 65???

I'm 52, so can only get a mortgage for 17 years.
I'd welcome any opinions or experience, I've had to say to her in a letter today €30,000 is my top offer or I take my chance in court. Even if I try to sell my small semi detached and downsize, I'll still need much the same mortgage..I know the info here is sketchy but I'm scared to death of being locked into a crippling mortgage till I retire. Also my husband had a lottery win of €18,000 last year which he is using to pay his legal costs. He still hasnt accepted the marriage is over and has dragged it out this long.

Anyway, many thanks for reading.