Legal fees / debts on estate deducted from inheritance.

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Is it normal practice to deduct legal fees/debt on the estate ( with NO prior warning?) from an Inheritance in the absence of section 68 letter? BTW - this wasn't my solicitor. He was acting on behalf of the executor. Is it just me or is €8500 excessive. Since I've never met the man, or spoken to him. Or even know what he looks like.

What should my next move be ?
Thank you mf

In your opinion :
1. I write to said solicitor ( which he won't take kindly , small town and all..)
2. I file a complaint with LSRA
Without knowing the full story, I suspect your issue is actually with the executor?

Not the solicitor.

By all means write to the solicitor, but check your entitlement to any satisfaction from the solicitor, if any, before you do that.

Likewise with Number 2.

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