Legal apprenticeship: any tips on trying to find a trainee solicitor job

Hey Stronge, the Griffith revision course starts in June as far as I know. It's very comprehensive though can be a bit pricey, seems to be well worth the investment though.

Lawgrad you would be well advised to apply for the internships. They are very competitive as far as I know but give you a good leg up in terms of being called for interview when It comes to applying for traineeships. The commercial firms won't be taking applications until October and most of those will be for 2010 starts. Work experience in the legal area is handy but not a must. As long as you can demonstrate academic ability and that you are a well rounded person then not having direct experience shouldn't be a problem; it wasn't for me anyway.
hey just wondering if anyone managed to get a traineeship or knows someone who did with either LK shields or BCM hanby Wallace.

Hey I don't know about LK Shields but my friend got one in BCM Hanby Wallace. They called her about two Fridays ago to tell her. She applied for the 2009 start though so it may be different for people who applied to start in 2008.
thanks Iam -

I couldnt trouble you for a bit more information
Has your friend been specifically told that she will start in 2009?

Just have heard that BCM made offers at all sorts of different times and recalled some people for interview.

Just wanted to know what the story is there?

Internships are fiercly competitive and very hard to secure if there is a formal applicaiton process. A lot don't do it formally and will take on those recommended or put forward by those working in the firm. A lot of the larger firms will offer some interns an apprenticeship if they have been impressed with them, MOP especially like to do this. So it definitely helps with an apprenticeship in that regard. I had no experience in the legal field either, internship or otherwise. This didn't seem to be too much of a worry as I got some offers. I explained that to pay for college I couldn't take a non-paying internship during the summer. My results showed that I had a dedication to being a lawyer. Regarding your other work experience just make sure you can explain how they benefited you in the real world and how this potentially might transfer to a firm e.g. working under pressure, dealing with irate people, working as a team. Most firms will be impressed if you've worked while in college and still achieved good results.
As far as I know she's been offered an apprenticeship 2009 but she has to pass all her Blackhall entrance exams in the meantime. (We're in final year law so haven't done any of them yet.) I know BCM take people on at different times and I think they'll still be looking for more trainees for 2009 next year, they don't just take them all on in one big slot. She's just waiting for her contract to be sent down to her and they mentioned bringing her in again to everyone who got through the interview process-you know to start the group bonding!
I personally also went for the interview to BCM as well, I got through to the last stage where you make the presentation but didn't get it in the end. They never got back to me to tell me I didn't get through though, I just knew because my friend got the phone call and I didn't!
I don't really know about people being called back in for other interviews. That might be for people who were trying to start in 2008 (because they were taking people on this year for 2008).

Hope that helps in some way twist.
cheers Iam

Yes myself and my firiend attended the BCM interviews

I was offered for 2008 and my friend has not heard back.

I recieved my phonecall about four weeks ago and gave in contract about 3 weeks. Just wanted to see what story was because friend has not heard back.

Also have not start date and just wanted to know has anyone confimred a start date with them yet.

Anyway cheers for the information-and good look with the apprenticship thing- if you got to second rounds without FE1s youb should be well set when you have all eight
Just got my interview PFO from Hanby Wallace. Thanks, I would have never guessed.
Hey guys Im in 3rd yr legal studies in w.i.t and hope to do the fe1s after this year.Was just wondering, do apprentice solicitors get paid during their apprenticeship?
Yes. Trainees are entitled to the National Minimum Wage if they work before the PPC1 Course. They are entitled to the Law Society Minimum Wage after PPC 1 and again after PPC 2 (increases after PPC2). If you work in the office before PPC 1 or are lucky to get an apprenticeship with one of the big firms you will also get paid while on the PPC1 & PPC2 courses.
FE1 without LLB

Hai i want to become a solicitor,i have my graduation degree,is it possible for me to do FE1 directley and will be a solicitor,and if yes then what will be the differece between me and LLB Solicitor.Thnx
Thanks for the info dazza.This post will be deleted if not edited immediately its some hassle to be a qualified solicitor in Ireland I think ill just head to america and do the new york bar supposedly you can be qualified as a solicitor in america within 6 months of passing the bar!

I am doing the FE1s in the autumn (4) and 4 spring 2009. Is it possible to begin an internship in 2009? Are firms hiring at all or is it only for 2010?
The big firms have taken on most of their 2009 intake at this point. The next round of recruitment will be October-January and will be for 2010 starts though they always seem to have one or two places for sooner starts. The medium size firms seem to hire people for more immediate starts and for small firms it seems to be a case of whenever you can start really.
I got my offers from the big 5 in 2008 and they said I could start in september 2008. So if you apply later this year you may be able to start in 2009.
I am hoping to do all eight FE1s in Sept/Oct next is that stupid or is it better to do 4 then and 4 next year. I am starting a revision course next week and I will not be working so hopefully I will get a good bit og study done in the next 4 months most of the people I talk to seem to think I am taking on too much and I may fail all of them! Anyone got any opinions?
Was told i was mad when i done all 8 in one go. It has become so common for people to do 4 and 4 that anyone who does anything different is told they are mad. I think people who only do four first time round are taking a bigger chance because if the first exam doesn't go well they are under alot of pressure.
The hardest part i found when doing the eight exams was that you become physically exhausted by the end of the week and the third exam in a week is the real killer. If you are really prepared and have a bit of luck then you could do very well.
Hope all goes well for you.
stronge have you studied law before? if not, i would really recommend splitting exams between two sittings, afterall the earliest you can start in blackhall will be october 09! why kill yourself, do not underestimate the amount of work that is necessary to pass these exams...

luckily i've just passed the last of them, but unfortunately getting a traineeship for october 08 blackhall looks increasingly unlikely....earliest i'll be in will be october 09 now

be prepared for the long haul with the fe1 route...hopefully its gonna be worth it
Re: Legal apprenticeship:

Discussion surrounding the FE1 exam (or any other examination) is discouraged on AAM.

I think there was a google group set up by FE1ers last year for this purpose.

Please keep this thread on topic. "tips on trying to find a trainee solicitor job"

Does anyone think i'm still in with a chance of getting an apprenticeship for this year? As in being in B'hall for this Sept? I've an hons business degree, a couple of legal diplomas, all FE1 exams and have been working in law offices for the past year and a half - but should I keep sending out CV's or just wait until 2009? At this stage - i'll take any kind of apprenticeship as i'm worried about meeting potential employers next year and they ask me why I haven't been hired for an apprenticeship in the last two years - any advice? please!