Lean Mean Grilling Machine

If the solution is to wrap a chicken breast with bacon so that the bacon is useless and the chicken is saved, you'll have to do better to convince me!
Personal choice but I actually like streaky bacon when it's dry and crispy - almost like a real meat bacon bite! So I think you get the best of both worlds - dry crispy bacon and a juicy chicken breast.

All this talk about the George Foreman convinced me to invest especially when I saw this one reduced to half-price until 26th April at Argos
That's a good price. The large one is in Dunnes for 54.99. The jumbo one! It must be massive!
Only bought yesterday. Just took it out of the box now and would have to say its not that big considering I'd be cooking for 4. The machine itself is big but the grilling area is adequate.
Just spotted this thread - has anyone used it to grill vegetables? what do they turn out like?

I'm v tempted to buy one as a baby one is gone down to 33.25 in the Argos sale. I'd only be cooking for 1 or 2 usually anyway.

Going on what's been said here already, the list of what can be cooked in a george is as follows: steak, chicken breasts, burgers, sausages, rashers, vegetables (?), toasted sandwiches, waffles - is that correct?

"Going on what's been said here already, the list of what can be cooked in a george is as follows: steak, chicken breasts, burgers, sausages, rashers, vegetables (?), toasted sandwiches, waffles - is that correct?"

Sorry I can't comment on the vegetables but I've also cooked fried eggs (yach! - kids like them). Simply raise/support the legs to put them on an even keel and this prevents the eggs from running off when they are still liquid. It saves having to take out the frying pan if you are doing rashers/sausages on it.
I've done onions, mushrooms, peppers, courgettes and carrots on the George and they were all yummy. "Fried" spuds are lovely in it too (leftover boiled ones cooled and then sliced).

I'm partial to a bit of banana on my cereal and am getting addicted to putting the banana in the George before chopping it onto my BranFlakes.

Sueellen's egg thing has inspired me to give French Toast a whirl at the weekend.

I have to say though that the arrival of the George Foreman has led to a sharp increase in the amount of heart-attack food eaten in my house. Before we got it, I never fried anything and ate hardly any red meat or cheese but now they seem to be in everything.

Nice one. thanks for the tip rebecca. Im going to "george" a banana in the morning. Ive been putting bananas in my omelettes lately, dont know why I didnt think of putting one on my crunchy nuts.
Have spent months looking for a portable BBQ for picnic's etc and found Georges BBQ in Tesco's reduced to €50, got to be the best buy around for travel BBQ.

It is like the grilling machine but has a stand and carry case for bringing on trips. Uses ordinary camping gas. I suppose the comprise is the lack of the BBQ smell that charcol gives but you can't beat a bottle of sauce.
Asparagus is at its best on the GF or griddled- and then while its still hot eat with a little white wine vinegar ( or lemon juice) and a little mild cheese melted on top.