Leak in a flat roof


Registered User
I was visiting my Dad in Tullamore at the weekend. He has a flat roof on his kitchen and it has been leaking for ages and he can't find anyone in the area to fix it.

He had been on to a guy he knew, but after ringing him several times in a three month period the guy said he didn't want to do the job and nobody would. He suggested that Dad do a proper job on the roof. Dad said he would, and asked if the guy would do it but he said he wouldn't, and he didn't know anyone who would.

The roof is leaking quite badly now and Dad doesn't know who he should contact about it. Would anyone here have any suggestions?

Thanks for the help.
Cheers for that - I'll give those numbers a call and see if they'll do it. It's bloody impossible to get tradesmen these days to do any small job.
My folks had a cracked tile on the roof recently, rang around and couldnt get anyone to look at it, eventually went to a small development nearby and asked one of the guys there if they would have a look, next day this chap turned up with a new tile, replaced it, took no money for this efforts, came back a week later to fill in the peice of contrete to seal up the gap. A good egg. Folks are oldish and could easily have been ripped off not knowing what cost to expect for a small job
That's a rare story, but great to hear there are a few decent folk out there.

Ah Flat roofs don't ya just hate em, they are built to leak even if your Dad gets this current leak fixed it will only be a matter of time before another leak appears a good roofer knows this and that is probably why they are reluctant to repair a flat roof as they know it will involve callbacks.
If your Dad has the funds the best thing to do would be to put on a pitched tile roof which should last a lifetime without any trouble unless the odd tile gets cracked or blown loose in stormy weather and can easily be repaired.
Failing that then get a good roofer to reseal the whole roof repairing the current leak while also preventing others from appearing.

Good Luck
Saw a recommendation a long time back on AAM for this [broken link removed] Don't have any knowledge/experience on same.