Laya Laya Simplicity Renewal Options


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We are two adults (early sixties) in excellent health looking for alternatives to Laya Simplicity. One adult will need treatment for existing cateracts. Access to good hospital care essential; semi-private room. Located in South-East. Willing to pay an excess. Advice please.
Hi mdpmdp1,

Welcome to AAM. Quick question, when is your renewal date?


The nearest cheaper alternative option is 'Laya Simply Connect' price 1230 per adult. Details as follows;

Laya Simply Connect; price 1230 per adult; all public, private and 3 hi-tech hospitals covered, private hospital inpatient excess capped at 150 x 2
max per year for all admissions. Day case excess in a private hospital is 50 euro per procedure - this will be the excess amount for the cataract
procedure. Good day to day cover, with a 1 euro excess, included on this plan. Refund of 50% for consultant visits, gp, physio, dental etc upto a
max of 500 per year. (50% of 1000 = 500).

The Simplicity price will change to 1370 per adult from 1st January 2020.

Regards, Snowyb