Health Insurance Laya policy due for renewal, family of 5


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Hi SnowyB,

We are a family of 5. 2 Middle aged Parents, 2 young adults (age 23 and 20) and a child of 15. We’ve no pre existing conditions. But we’re getting older, and both have cardiac family historys.

My spouse’s employer will pay the equivalent cost to VHI Health Plus Access for all but the 23 year old. We must pay in full for the 23 year old. At the moment the Parents are on Laya Company Care Plus, our kids are on Laya Connect Care 100.
If we stay on those plans we’ll end up paying over €1500 ourselves - which includes the full cost of the 23 year old, and approx 286 shortfall each for the 2 adults and 32 for the child. We would like us all to be with either Laya or VHI. On the one hand we want to get the best benefit from the employers payment, while minimising the amount we pay ourselves - but don’t mind if we have to pay a bit ourselves to get the most suitable plan.
We have contacted Laya a few times. They were suggesting Signify Plus for the 23 year old - but it has very little every day expenses cover. I thought Simply Health Choice looks better, even though it’s dearer.
They were suggesting Company Care (No Excess) for the parents. We would still have to pay a bit ourselves, but it would bring our bill down.

Have you any better suggestions for any of us?