Laya Laya Essential Connect Family query


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Laya Essential Connect Family is interesting for those, like me, with a clutch of kids as it only charges for the first child, others are free.

I usually go with the VHI putting the first 3 kids on the best half price plan and the others (free) on the top plan available . . myself and herself just go on a low cost plan (although I appreciate we could go to another provider and just leave the kids on VHI).

I'm wondering if I can just put the kids on the Laya Essential Connect Family plan and one or other parent go on a different Laya plan or even no Laya plan (as one can do with VHI). On the Laya website it won't allow you to select kids only (must choose one adult or young adult on the plan).

VHI is the only provider that allows kids to be insured without an adult.
If you want the children insured with Laya, then one adult must take out any Laya policy.
