late vat return

The correct advice is to submit on time and self correct...Revenue are then none the wiser and the taxpayer is compliant
Do you know otherwise for a fact?

If you are going to post such information, please back it up with a source.
The language of your previous post was of opinion rather than fact, that is why I asked whether it was fact.

People could act on your advice and if you are wrong, it could cost them money.

I would suggest either retracting your comment or backing it up with an authoritative source.

What "information" did I post? I posted my opinion, it is clearly an opinion because I started with "I would be very surprised if", and then suggested what in my opinion is "more likely" to be the case. So I'll have to decline to retract my opinion, as I stand by it!

Anyone who did know such things as fact, probably wouldn't be in a position to confirm them as such, due to the Official Secrets Act.

However, there's plenty of publicly available information that the REAP system is a risk model which profiles taxpayers' behaviour over several years. Therefore by definition, a single isolated incident of marginally late filing, if recognised at all, could only be a very minor element of a risk profile...

I'm not quite sure what advice of mine "people" might follow - I offered an opinion to the OP about a specific situation as described by them.