Landlord not giving back deposit

Joe Nonety

Registered User
I've left a house and the landlord is refusing to give back my deposit of €400 because of fire damage.
The fire happened in the kitchen 2 years ago when another flatmate left the cooker on. I wasn't even in the country at the time.
The landlord had fire insurance but is keeping the deposit because of the increased cost he is paying for fire insurance now (or so he claims).
Is there anything I can do?
He's a multi-millionaire solicitor.
A few comments:

  • Did you receive a and/or and, if so, what did they say about the circumstances in which the deposit might be witheld?
  • Perhaps the landlord is justified in retaining some or all of the deposit? It's difficult to tell from the details posted.
  • Perhaps you could suggest to him that you might refer the matter to the dispute resolution service? He is obliged to be registered with the PRTB and if he has not fulfilled this obligation he may just refund your deposit rather than being exposed.
  • If he is not registered with the PRTB I would report him anyway whatever happens.
Hope this helps.
I'm not sure why you think his wealth or his occupation are important?

But anyway, was the landlord notified of the damage at the time of the fire? Did he select the other tenant, or did you?
RainyDay said:
I'm not sure why you think his wealth or his occupation are important?

I think it does matter - it means threatening to bring him to the small claims court won't do much good.
It was another tenant who brought in the firestarter. Landlord was notified straight away and all bills were paid plus there was no damage so there was no other excuse for withholding the deposit.
Surely landlords are legally obliged to show proof of all deductions from deposit i.e. receipts?

Who paid the insurance excess on the fire, you or the landlord ?