Landlord issues, RTB, utilities on sale of property


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First question is the Annual registration with the RTB. As many will know last year was a disaster trying to do anything on the latest incarnation of the RTB website that passes for a modern day public interface. So I managed a couple of them after a lot of effort. With varying degrees of cost and fines and fines added on and then reduced. Recently I got a refund too into the bank account but no idea which one it relates to. I have one that I forgot to do one. For 2022. Tenant left recently.

What happens if I do not declare an end of tenancy in the RTB website. (tenancy is registered up to 2024 as the last one was done in 2018).

I managed to end 2 others I'd paid the annual for. And the website warned me I'd to send a notification to the RTB which I ticked I will. I've no notion of doing so of course. What happens if I don't. And what does the RTB do with such notifications? How is this not madness when they know I've terminated the tenancies as I've put in the end date into my registrations.
You're too quick for me and I got interrupted by an auctioneer ! So that post has more in it now.

Next question is about Gas. Gas networks refused my meter readings for the last few goes, so last one is in 2021 that is an 'actual'. Now I've sold and I've a new actual. Clearly they will have to accept it.

Gas was for a property divided into 3. There have been only 1 tenant in 2023 while I was selling. So clearly the gas was only used in one unit. It will be about 2K I think. Is it reasonable for me to do a calculation to put most of this bill into 2022 for tax purposes. Based on a logical division of what it should have been. Because I'll have very low rent income this year 2023.
Third question. As this place doesn't seem to get much traction anymore, is there another Irish website, one dedicated to landlords?
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Ending tenancy and declaring end of tenancy. We had a tenancy that rolled to a further part four. We still got reminders to update BOTH tenancies even though it rolled from one to another and no change of tenants. If you do not inform them they will contact you to pay your fee. If the property is up for sals then update rtb with this information. You may receive a letter saying the council will send out private inspectors to check to see if the house is up to code.
Gas. If there is one meter covering the three units then spread to gas bill across this year and last year. If you still own the other two units you will have service charges to pay for those units so include 2023.
You will still have to do a tax return for 2023 so handy to have costs covered for that time. Any losses on the sale can be rolled onto the other units when you sell.
Third question. As this place doesn't seem to get much traction anymore, is there another Irish website, one dedicated to landlords?
You only put out your first question at 3.02 and put up another question 3.12. You have to give people a chance to reply.