Landlord entered my flat while I was in the shower

Amongst the many sources of information regarding LL right of entry in an emergency is the very website mentioned previously under "rights of tenants" ..
" if LL needs to inspect premises it should be by prior appointment, except in an emergency".

This is so obvious I'm not sure why anybody would query it.

I am glad that Bronte, with whom I have argued in the past but who I know from her posts is a good and very knowledgable landlord (as I believe I also am), brought up another good example where entry had to be made without the tenants permission.

Yes, actual emergencies are,fortunately, very rare. And the LL in Op's case was wrong.

I'm unsure about the wisdom or safety of putting a chain or anything inside that cannot in an emergency be opened from outside, though i admit that for,say, young girls in an apartment it is an understandable precaution.

At the end of the day it's a question of bad landlord -leave ,good landlord, stay (condition and value of premises permitting)
I,m a landlord and if I were you I'd change the locks. Their is no way anyone should be in your apartment. I change the locks each time a tenant leaves and I give them all the keys. I also rent and my landlord would not even take the alarm code as it's my place when I sign a lease. Hope this helps
Op I think that you just need to have a chat with your landord that you don't find it acceptable that he enters your apartment without your permission. He probably didn't want to be bothered to telephone you for your permission or he was just there and was doing a job (as you said he was around doing some work the previous week) and concentrating on that and didn't think about asking you and he did knock. He was wrong to enter your apartment, but it looks like it was done in the line of repairs and nothing more sinister than that.