knocking down a wall


Registered User

I am wondering how much would it cost to knock down a wall? And if it's a weight bearing one and needs steel (??) reinforcement, how much can I expect to pay for it?
Any experiences?
Thanks for all help, ideas and suggestions.
Just did ours 3 months ago, knocked down wall between dining room and kitchen so we got an open plan. Got different qoutes such as 5K, 4.5K, 4K. We got a contractor who did for us for 2800 (including electrician). They were very efficient and finished the whole job in 3 days. Very satisfied. If you live in South East I could give you his no. Send me a private message.

Most of the contractors would know if it's a weight bearing wall. But we confirmed it with the builders of our estate to check the blueprints. We didn't need a steel. Steel would only cost additional EUR200 according to the contractor who did the job.

pinoy said:
We didn't need a steel. Steel would only cost additional EUR200 according to the contractor who did the job.

If you didn't need a steel beam the wall was almost certainly not load bearing.
I'd urge caution on this - Get a view from an architect or engineer. While the steel beam itself may not cost the earth, there are other impacts on how they remove the wall - in particular, the need to keep supports in place until the steel goes in. It's also essential that the steel has a firm base to rest on, which may involve taking blocks out of the wall behind the steel at either end.

You should also look for a completion certificate from your builder (if an established reputable firm) or an architect or engineer to confirm that all building regulations have been observed. This will be needed when you come to sell the house.
3K... Nothing comes cheap anymore theses days... Just thinking of purchasing a house where I'd do that amongst other things, so I'm just gathering info, but if I go ahead I'll get those details off you! thanks for the help.