knaupf space blanket and ber rating query.


Registered User
Hi folks Iwas wondering is it ok to use Knaupf space blanket to insulate my attic for ber purposes? I'm looking to sell up and had heard that a a lot of ber assessors dont like foil based insulation as the u value is hard to ascertain. I know that the space blanket has 200mm of glass wool contained in side anyway , so I 'm hoping i can use it instaed of that nasty itchy glass wool stuff

Thanks in advance,

knaupf "spaceblanket" is an easy to DIY install and will make a significant difference to the U value (measure of performance) of your attic and will make a significant difference to the BER of your property. Based on the existing insulation in the attic and the addittion of the 200mm "knauf spaceblanket" it will be a straight forward calculation for an experienced assessor to calculate the new "U Value".

Many assessors are Engineers and Architects and will be able to give other good advice on improvement of your property.
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