Kitchens at Homebase / Pellet burners



Hi , can anyone feedback their opinion if they have dealt with homebase north or south when buying their kitchen/bathroom units etc, i know they run great looking deals price wise but what is their after sales/delivery/ quality like??

Also we are a new build ready for plastering , we are trying to source " pellet burner" advice, Donegal , where we are, hasnt got a plethera of this type of fuel system but we are keen to go ahead with it but need advice please or do we stick to oil??? our house is 2200sq ft,2 storey with a detached garage.


Pellet Burner Problems:

Pellets soak up water/ even humidity from air and jam the auger.
Pellets soaking up water renders the pellets useless as fuel source (the burner has to "burn off" the water.
Currently questionable lifetime costs regarding the burner and parts (depending on maker).
Fuel supply questions - how many suppliers are there are the moment, what happens if demand goes up? The technology, and logistics are still in their infancy here in Ireland. The problem with heating systems is that they have a high sink cost - in 2 years time, you can't switch quickly and cheaply to oil.

Personally, I have yet to be convinced by wood pellet systems.
Hi Martin,

There are many previous threads on pellet burners so it might be worth your while to run the search option in this forum and have a read.
Sueellen, thanks , done that now and still unsure on our next step,thanks again
Superman, thanks and I also share your concerns at this stage, it probably would make safer sense to stick with what you know