Killing of Qassem Suleimani

Anti government protests now in Iran on the back of the government admitting that they brought down the plane.
To keep thread on-topic, I revert to the OP. I think the views expressed below have held up well.

This particular act is clearly murder

Eh, against the War-mongers. I thought that was obvious?
Are the US the only war mongers in the region?
Don't get me wrong, the history of intervention by the UK and then the USA in the region from the late 19th century onwards stilted their natural evolution into modern forms of government and left the space for extremism to thrive. In some cases extremists were nurtured and armed in their attacks on more moderate and democratic protagonists; the UK and American support of Ibn Saud and his brand of fanaticism is at the root of so many problems in the region. All that being said there are no "Good guys and Bad guys" in most of the conflicts, just the bad guys and the other bad guys.
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