Killarney hotel prices


Registered User
Looking at cost of 2 BB + i D in Malton and Lake hotel for two people which seems to be 330/340 whereas Castlerosse Hotel is 220 Euro. Wondering why the big difference or maybe i am reading the prices incorrectly
The Malton is in the town centre and is 4*. The lake hotel is also 4* and has lake views and is more of a country house and it close to the national park . The Castle Ross is a more family hotel and would be better value but it is a lovely hotel also. It would be a little farther out of town but has a lot of family facilities. It depends what you are looking for. I would say more families in the Castleross than the others but all three hotels are good. I hope this helps
Thanks Coleen. When travelling from Cork i always feel better when i pass over the "county bounds" on way to Killarney. No offence to Cork which i also like very much.