Kids climbing on my fence: "Stay Off The Fence" sign, location and other strategies??



I have had fence erected around my house. Kids were going in next door garden and were climbing on it.

I made a temp sign to say Stay Off The Fence and put it on the side of the fence facing next door because that is where they were accessing it from.

Neighbour complained and said it looks like i am telling her kids not to climb it. That is not true it is kids going in there. She wants it at the front

Can i have the sign facing them? It is on my fence and at my side of the original step over 'fence'. It is not a boundary fence but at my side of the boundary fence.My understanding is my fence on my ground i can have anything on it. can someone help with advice
putting a sign up for kids saying stay off the fence means they are going to be obsessed with climbing on it just to annoy you
get a bolshy dog with big teeth or ignore them til they get bored next week
The notice will only goad the kids on.
Try speaking to them, or if you are infirm, get someone to speak them on your behalf.

Don't be aggressive, simply ask them to stay off your fence, that its causing you concern they may hurt themselves on it and you don't want that to happen.
Most kids are reasonable and if presented with that kind of argument by an adult looking them straight in the eye they will normally back down and not bother you again.

I'd say that the sign idea is unlikely to work and its already irritated your next door neighbour.
But if you are going to put a sign up, don't back down when your neighbour confronts you.
"You're quite right - I don't want your kids hurting themslves either," is what to say.

putting a sign up for kids saying stay off the fence means they are going to be obsessed with climbing on it just to annoy you
get a bolshy dog with big teeth or ignore them til they get bored next week
told several times and different kids. waste of time telling them. cost a lot and do not want it damaged

I'd say that the sign idea is unlikely to work and its already irritated your next door neighbour.
not concerned the neighbour was just looking to start an argument trying to tell me i needed her permission to put up fence
But if you are going to put a sign up, don't back down when your neighbour confronts you
i won't and didn't. I just want to know legal situation.
The isie is she claims i cannot have the sign facing her garden and that it should face the path at front. But it is in her garden they climb it not the front
putting a sign up for kids saying stay off the fence means they are going to be obsessed with climbing on it just to annoy you
get a bolshy dog with big teeth or ignore them til they get bored next week

Kids tend to move on unless you give them a reason to persist at an activity. Low hanging fruit (like apples) is the classic example. Another one is a dog they can taunt.

Getting a dog is all kinds of trouble.

Instead of just the kids being an annoyance, you now have a big, slobbery barking, poohing carnivore to feed and control.

And what if he takes a nip out of one of the kids?


If the sign is deemed to be part of the fence and raises it above 1.2M high then it may be in breach of the exempted development section of the planning regulations. There are other regulations about the size of signage, its type and function. You could approach the local authority to define the status of the sign. You could also ask their advice about what to do in general about this issue. Local Authorities deal with all kinds of problems in their own estates and may have dealt successful with this problem before. As other posters have pointed out, personal contact can work best.

I'd suggest you lose words like "irrelevant" and "not concerned" from your vocabulary when dealing with the kids, your neighbour, the local authority and posters on AAM. You don't have to bow down to people, but everyone deserves a modicum of respect, especially the rebellious or troublesome ones. There are ways of making points that don't get people's backs up. Yes, before you ask, HoneyVale, I am something of an expert on this.

Be part of the process of harnessing people's energy positively and take satisfaction from that fact that you'll be contributing to the greater good, i.e. the world outside your fence. The blessings of this attitude will come back to you time and time again.


A thin skin of "anti climb paint" accross the top of the fence. It will harden enough so cats and birds can walk / land on it without dragging it all over the place. However once someone applies a bit of weight to it , the crust breaks and its residue marks the hands and clothes. Its not necessary to put up a sign, but recommended that you do. As an alternative you can put prikka strips accross the top of the fence / wall.(about 25 euro for 8 meter boxes)
Another option is to put some Dog "poo" across the top of the fence, once the kids get that on their hands a couple of times, they'll quickly stop
A thin skin of "anti climb paint" accross the top of the fence.

Thats what I would do - Tell the kids that you have put the stuff on though, as it will ruin their clothes and then the parents will be on to you. Maybe put a sign up for a period of time informing that you have put anti climb paint on
Another option is to put some Dog "poo" across the top of the fence, once the kids get that on their hands a couple of times, they'll quickly stop

We are talking about someones garden here-who would put that on their fence. What about the smell/hygene factor.
Q - put some Dog "poo" across the top of the fence
Incredibly unhygienic!
They are kids lads.. let's keep that in mind.

Mix used engine oil and grease will give a dirty and sticky goo that
will not wash off in rainfall and will dirty hand and clothes.
You are required to put a sign up saying that the property has been treated with anti climb measures.
That gets you off the hook when their mummy comes knocking with junior covered in filthy goo.
I've used it on my walls in the past (live beside a green).
Kids knock on the door now looking for the ball back.
We are talking about someones garden here-who would put that on their fence. What about the smell/hygene factor.

Short term pain for long term gain, my friend

It's clear the kids and their parents are not interested in respecting the wishes of the fence owner, electric fences or broken glass on the top of the fence ain't permitted and something needs to be done to put a stop to it.
Thread is over two years old, so more than likely OP has found a solution by now.
Jane Doe resurrected the thread back at post 11 Agatha ... replies seem to be aimed at her rather than the OP. Still ... I wonder how the OP got on.
The OP stopped posting a few hours after this thread started. The kids did away with him/her I'd say.