kid messing with plant

How about building a six or seven foot concrete wall between the gardens. That'll show them!
is putting that burgular paint on the trellis illegal. you know the messy stiff that does not dry he could not climb over it then. i should say of course i do not want to cause him any harm

Not illegal, but probably would harm plant. I painted my back wall with it as young kids were climbing over wall as a short cut. I was looking out one day when a youngster was practically stuck to the wall, very funny, the poor lad got destoryed.
How about building a six or seven foot concrete wall between the gardens. That'll show them!

I agree....and while you're doing that you could complain to your local garda community officer who might be able to have the local patrol swing by regularly to make sure there is nobody messing with your bush.
Seems like a case of 'Tall fences make good Neighbours'
Maybe move the plant to somewhere its safe, take a few deep breaths and enjoy the on-come of Spring, remember what its like to be a kid, it could end up happily rather than in tears.
Maybe take the plunge and have a polite word in his mums ear??

Hes only a child at the end of the day and to read some of the advice regarding paint and thorny bushes is laughable! Just surprised no one mentioned razor wire
think back to when we were little terrors,moving the plant is probably the best option.
Hes only a child at the end of the day and to read some of the advice regarding paint and thorny bushes is laughable! Just surprised no one mentioned razor wire
So what if he's 'only a child'. The point is that he's someone else's child, and is causing a nuisance. Making someone else's life a misery. Why should the OP be made to suffer because someone else can't look after their kids?

Would you mind people letting dogs foul your path, for example? Or would you mind teenagars congregating outside your front door, drinking cider, joy-riding and smoking heroin? - They are 'only teenagers' after all.
I have plants and I have kids and despite my little darlings being quite well-behaved, they would ruin a plant if I didn't tell them not to. Kids need to be taught everything.

Speak to the parents. They may not even know it's happening?

Tell the child if you see him not to touch the plant. Tell him gently and tell him WHY.

If the parents/child are actually monsters, then go down the prickly plant route.
Would you mind people letting dogs foul your path, for example? Or would you mind teenagars congregating outside your front door, drinking cider, joy-riding and smoking heroin? - They are 'only teenagers' after all.

We're talking about a curious little kid playing with a plant here, not crack-smoking, joy-riding, cider-drinking teenagers. A bit of tolerance goes a long way. No need to start ratcheting up the perceived nuisance factor!
Making someone else's life a misery. Why should the OP be made to suffer because someone else can't look after their kids?

Are you for real? Strong language for something so inoccuous!!!

The kid next door throws the soil off it around the ground and i am afraid he will damage the plant and have moved it for the moment.
can you have a little chat to the child, who is what age exactly?
"why do this?, see what happens to my plant." etc and try out for that outcome.

Or else call in the heavies to put the fright'ners on the little brute.
try putting coir matting around plant base, type used for weed control cheap and easily got in diy/garden centre. they cant get at soil and it allows for watering etc. if you see kid messing tell him in a matter of fact way to leave your plant alone. or ask the mammy (Nicely) could she ask the kid to leave plant alone. good luck