Key Post: Why pictures not showing on web site.



When I open some web sites, the picture in the body of the site is not showing, even though I have "show pictures" ticked in internet options set-up. Advert pictures on the side are showing, but not in the body of the site. Any cure for this. Using IE version 6.0
Re: Why pictures not showing on web site.

Can you give an example of the sort of sites causing the problem? Did the images in such sites display OK in the past or was this always the case? Can you try another browser?

This Microsoft [broken link removed] has always helped me with graphics problems.
Re: example of problem

What anti visrus /anti spam software do you have?
I came across a similar problem on a site we have, the reason was some software recognises images of certain dimensions as unwanted advertisements (usually associated with popups)
Re: anti virus

I can't see a red greeen and blue icon- where is the image on the page.
One thing- I looked at source and some of the images are actually java ******s. Do you have java vm installed, and is your browser security settings set up in such a way as not to run ******s?
Re: anti virus

I can't see any red/green/blue icon either. When you open this site can you see Karl Jeacle's mortgage calculator? If not then I reckon that jdwexford is on the ball and the problem is that you don't have a Java runtime/virtual machine installed and will need to download/install one from [broken link removed] (click the Download J2SE JRE link to download the latest 1.4 version of the Java runtime environment but note that it's a 15MB download so you might want to do it on broadband!).

Note also that the word used by jdwexford above obliterated by asterisks was "a_p_p_l_e_t" without the underscores. ezBoard "censors" that term as a security measure against nefarious use of Java on the site.
looks like the java problem

Mortgage calculator does'nt show. Which of these java things should I download - I have broadband [broken link removed]
Re: looks like the java problem

The one I pointed out above - the link under the heading "J2SE v 1.4.2_06 JRE includes the JVM technology" (the fourth download link listed on the page). You only need the runtime environment - the other downloads also bundle developer tools which only people writing Java applications need and which otherwise simply bloat the size of the download for end users.
still not working

Thanks guys
I downloaded this Java thing - could'nt install because ran out of disc space on drive C - installed on drive D - opened Karls mortgage calculator - pictures still not showing. I am not well up on PC's, disc space etc. Any ideas on what I could do. I often get message while on internet that "this program has performed an illegal operation & will be shut down". This appears when disc is full - I do disc clean-up - re-start & keep going until message appears again - message doesnt appear when on internet for short time - only when on for long time after opening many sites.
Re: still not working

could'nt install because ran out of disc space on drive C - installed on drive D

Did you definitely run the installation process or did you just store the dowloaded file on the D: drive?

opened Karls mortgage calculator - pictures still not showing.

Even after closing all browser windows and then starting the browser again? If so then it sounds like the Java runtime is not installed after all. If you are running Windows 2000/XP then you could check Start -> Set Program Access and Defaults and check if the Choose default virtual machine for Java option is present and enabled. Also check Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs and check if J2SE Runtime Environment ... is listed.

I often get message while on internet that "this program has performed an illegal operation & will be shut down".

This happens when programs crash unpectedly for some reason.

This appears when disc is full - I do disc clean-up - re-start & keep going until message appears again - message doesnt appear when on internet for short time - only when on for long time after opening many sites.

Sounds like you are running out of disk space and need to do a more significant clean-up or install additional hard disk space. When you are browsing your local brower cache (e.g. temporary internet files folder) fills up with pages and graphics that you download. You can tweak the settings for the amount of disk space allocated to the browser cache (e.g. In Internet Explorer Tools -> Internet Options... -> Temporary Internet Files -> Settings...) in case that's of any use. It might be worth running the Windows Disk Cleanup program to see if there is anything else that can potentially be cleared out (Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Disk Cleanup). Don't delete anything unless you know that it is safe to do so.

Ideally get somebody with more technical expertise to have a look at your PC and advise on the best way to improve performance and stability.