Key Post: preventing spyware



This was originally posted by Techman

Is a firewall the only option in preventing spyware, parasites etc?

I have just used Ad-Aware 6.0 to remove spyware from my PC.

Gator spyware seems to be very common.

It's on all our PC's at work even though we have a firewall on the LAN.
re: preventing spyware

You may find some of the programs listed at of use.

Out of these I've only used SpywareBlaster as I only use Internet Explorer when absolutely necessary. I normally use Mozilla Firebird which doesn't support ActiveX and thus prevents the installation of much spyware.
Re: re: preventing spyware

A firewall will prevent someone else from putting something onto your machine from a remote location without your knowledge (as a rule). It can only block remote traffic. Gator is more often than not installed through either allowing it to be installed through MS Internet Explorer or else it is part of another software package.

If you ever get to a site that requests your permission to load some component you will be asked a yes no question by MS IE. Barring its from some very trusted source just select no. This is how a lot of spyware gets installed as most users don't know what they are being asked to do but yes seems like the sensible answer.

For instance the download manager Getright used to have Gator bundled as part of it but I think they have since stopped that practice. So its most likely something thats installed on the machines in the network. Some common app.
Re: re: preventing spyware

Always run anti-virus software AND KEEP IT UP TO DATE - I'd recommend the free AVG anti-virus:

Always run a firewall and keep an eye out for security updates - I'd recommend the free ZoneAlarm:

Consider running an ad/spyware checker - I've heard good reports about AdAware but haven't tried it myself yet:

This site is also useful for checking IE for parasites:

Thanks Machalla.

Can I change any settings in IE to prevent spyware such as Gator?

I have used Ad Aware to remove spyware. Was just wondering was there any specific program to prevent spyware, in particular for a LAN?
this is farcical, it will come back anyway.

Get rid of IE, its the best solution

Use Mozilla Firefox. Its free from , about 4Mb in size. Its a lot faster than IE and less susceptible to spyware.

Consider IE users as people who need a regular visit to the STD clinic while Mozilla bods use Protection