Key Post: House Building Direct Labour

just to add for small cash jobs garden walls etc usually about 1euro/block cash for house 1.20/block
soory forgot add vat 13.5% to those prices, just saw an earlier person askin about dpc , if the blocklayer just forgot the dpc on the inside leaf of the house then you will probably be ok but the dpc should be there the radon often gets nicks, if they also put no dpc on the outside leaf then your footpath would have to be very low as the radon is in under floor and comes up out and over the block which holds in the floor and then goes down the face of that block so its actually 225mm below ur inside floor level
Check out [broken link removed] - has a cost estimator inbuilt for all types of work based on regions - only problem is doesent include VAT - I wonder why!!
To measure a roof just measure it as if your looking down on plan, this is how most roofers will charge. The cost of laying a slat is from €1-€2 depending on the type of slate (€1 for tegral etc up to €2 for natural.) this includes the battens and felt.
There are 13-16 slates in a m2.
To measure the timber divide the length of your house by say 600mm. Round up and add one. this gives you the number of rafters. The rafter length will be a little over half the width of your house, say 1.2 times(remember builders dont do exact quantities, it takes too long and the difference is so small).

Anyone doing a house i would advise getting a quantity surveyor (YES I AM ONE) to do all the quantities for you. Ths cost wil be nothing in comparison to the savings you will make buying everything yourself and employing directly. Shop around for a good one, they are also noway near as expesnive as Architects, Engineers etc but for self builders can help alot more.

We are building in templetown, co. louth and we are getting charged just under €5,000 for absolutely nothing.

We have bought the site with fpp, plans and foundations down (house is 3300sq ft) for €150,000, the best quote we've got for all the labour is €70k plus €450 per wk for a project manager as we both work long hours. we haven't got any quotes for materials yet but we have a Vat no so will save a bit, only have €170k in total after the site so I dont know if we'll finish it, but if we can get it weatherproof, we can do the rest bit by bit as we save.

Really nervous bout starting!

Some precautionary questions.

Have you seen a copy of the permission and its drawings at the Council offices?

If the foundations are already laid have you received a certificate from an engineer about their design and the groundsman/contractor about the built work?
Who actually installed the foundations and why was the project abandoned?
Is is just the strip or are the rising walls and the slab also in?

Specifically are you certain that; -

  • the foundations dimensions match the permission footprint
  • the foundation depth, design and concrete is all adeaquate.
  • all the rising wall pipe penetrations are in for the services
  • the radon gas barrier and the radon gas collector box and vent pipe are in
If problems exist with these elements they would be relatively easy to sort out now if notbut a lot harder to deal with later in the build.