Key Post: Fear of flying/Earache when flying

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Re: >>Fear of flying/Earache when flying

Boogaloo. I have the same problem and it's getting worse. I find if the cabin on the plane is hot/stuffy, I panic, if it is cool it minimises the problem. On a flight this year I asked one of the attendants to lower the heat which they did and it was great. Then someone complained that they were cold and the heat was put back on. It was suggested I moved toward the back of the plane where it is cooler and it definitely was, so maybe give this a try. Buy a bottle of ice cool water at the last minute and sip this, wear loose clothing. Wait until the last minute before boarding. One of the problems that I have is when the plane lands and everybody stands up and blocks the aisle until the doors are opened. I think if you engage in conversation or read a book, in fact anything to distract you should help. I am heading off to Spain in the next couple of weeks and like you I am dreading the claustrophobia not the flying. I got some valium from my doctor which I hope will calm me down.
i find chewing gum really helps with the earache problem
Was on a flight last year for 13 hours no legroom I'm 18 st and 6ft2 and a smoker, had 3 hours stop and flew for another 12 hours,Never gave up fags for so long, so anything like america or europe is only a skip,when we passed poland on way back we started gathering our bits and pieces as there was less than 2 hours to go " love the take off "So think of long haul and the likes of me,no leg room,and dying for a fag, it will amuse the kids how others are suffering.Ps bring loads of drink and chewes
I also have a fear of flying but its not nearly as bad as it used to be. I used to listen to every change of sound in the engines and think here goes! Also whenever the captain came on I always thought it was to tell us the worst. I got a little book called Flying No Fear by Captain Adrian akers-Douglas and Dr. George Georgiou, an airline pilot and a clinical psychologist and I found it a great help.isbn 1 840241241. I also use Rescue Remedy. I find getting involved in an interesting conversation with whoever is with me takes my mind of things.
Re: >>Fear of flying/Earache when flying

Xanax is very effective if not taken continuously and most GP would have no difficulties prescribing a small amount.

Have Xanax at the ready for next Saturday's flight. Absolutely terrified of flying. How many should I take. Will one do the trick or is it safe to take two?
re earache.......very simple
breath in through your nose
do not exhale and hold your breath
pinch your nose with your fingers tightly
try to exhale through your nose ensuring your mouth is closed
the build up in pressure opens your eustachin tube and relieves any potential earache.
keep doing this as you descend and you will be fine.
One of the most practical bits of advice I learned from the anatomy department in Trinity college during college!!
[broken link removed]

Saw these at the till of my local pharmacy the other day and purchased a box. Don't know if any good, cos I've yet to try them. Hoping this is not interfering with the medical issues rule, as these are homeopathic and not prescription.

I also make sure I have a paper bag with me and if I forget it, I find the one in the pouch in front of me as soon as I sit. I find that if I think I'm going to have a panic attack, breathing in and out of the paper bag helps calm me down. I know I probably look like a headcase, but it's better to do that than have a panic attack on board a plane. And as anyone that suffers from these in extreme stressful situations, will tell you, if you have one in public, your fear of what other people are thinking of you (i.e. are they on drugs?) exascerpates the problem.
Does anyone experience a really dry/sore feeling in their nose while flying ? I think its the dry cabin air.

It gets worse the longer the flight is and my longest flight so far, at 7 hours , had me in the bathroom splashing my face trying to re hydrate but not drown myself ! Its what I would imagine being a chronic drug snorter would feel like.

Any ideas how to alleviate this ?
I take a xanax when I get to the airport, followed swiftly by some wine or beer (regardless of the time of day!). Then as soon as I'm on the plane, if I feel panicky, I take another xanax (you should feel fairly sleepy by now). Then I may pop a few drops of Rescue Remedy into my mouth, and sniff on a cloth soaked in lavender oil. Has helped me fly loads of places!
Also bring a bottle of water with you, and ignore all the silly people making the sign of the cross just before take off!!
I also suffer from fear of flying and feel your pain
I find it helps if you have a drink beforehand (a glass of wine is best!) and then make sure you have plenty to occupy you on the plane (magazines, books, crosswords, ipod etc...).
For some reason I'm always worse when I sit behind towards the back of the plane. When I sit towards the front (and cannot see the wing as the plane turns) I am usually much better.
I have taken a valium before (on a long-haul flight) and found it worked well (although you'd want to skip the alcohol if you're going this route!) You would need to discuss this with your GP though. AFAIK most GPs will be able to prescribe you something to help you if you are really anxious about it.

Good luck and have a great holiday
I am closing this thread due to continued breaches of the no discussion of medical issues postin guideline.
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