Kerosone price trends - Ireland vs UK


Registered User
I was checking the prices of Kerosene to see if the price was coming down yet and by mistake looked at instead of

I was suprised to see that since Xmas the price of kerosone in the UK has dropped by 10% but here in Ireland it is the same or if anything slightly higher.

Is this really the case or are the figures on these websites not to be trusted

Any ideas when the price might recover over here ??
I can confirm that the figures on my websites can be trusted.

The trends can vary for a number of reasons - for example, because of exchange rates. There are also very different taxes applied. In the Republic, there is 13.5 % tax on heating oil plus a CO2 tax of around 4 cents a litre. In the UK, the tax is 5%.

On this occassion, one of the big reasons you will see a difference is that prices in mainland UK (England, Scotland and Wales) increased massively over the Christmas period. See the price map on home page of the website for example. They have recently started to come down considerably and this has influenced the UK price graph. The UK graph also considers Northern Ireland where prices have not varied quite so much.

I hope this helps.