Kathryn Thomas on Winning Streak


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Is it me or does she drive anyone else to switch channels with her shreakingly loud voice on this programme?

In fairness, I thought she was great on the travel programme. But I can't bear to listen to her on Winning Streak - why does she have to scream non stop?
Ireland seems to like this kind of show, going way back.

Anyone remember Bunny Carr and "Quicksilver"?
That was the origin of the Irishism "stop the lights" - seldom heard these days, but it persisted in use long after the show was axed.

So apart from not having generated a similarly populat catchphrase, yes, Winning Streak is more of the same.
Just you city slickers remember that when you're wondering why some politicians get elected - they may have promised it will be on twice as often!

I had a group of friends over from the US... Winning Streak was their favorite show because it made absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Press a button... well done you won a car.
I think it's funny when people say "Oh I couldn't go on there, I'd be so embarrassed, everyone would make fun of me", yes and you would smile right back with your big fat cardboard cheque.
Kathry Thomas reminds me of Graham Norton doing the screaming contest in Fr. Ted when they were trapped in the cave
In fairness, just about the only thing this show has going for it is that she is easy on the eye.