Judicial Separation: - costings estimate


Registered User

In April 2006 I went to court to separate from my wife, we settled before the judge ruled, however I am now waiting on my solicitor to prepare my final bill.

Does anyone out there know how much it would cost for the following, or perhaps have been through it recently and can share with me the final bill they received from their solicitor.

What was included in my case was, all the various letters back and forth, approx. 4 x 30 min meetings with my solicitor, a junior counsel attending all the preliminary hearings, including my wife adjourning twice ! and a half-day session in the family court, the result of which necessitated my solicitor in arranging the legal transfer to me of two properties.

I am not looking for a precise cost but a good estimate based on your experience and precedent would help so much.

Thanks ...Bob
The horse has sort of bolted at this stage.

You should have received a Section 68 letter at the outset setting out the basis of charges and/or the approximate fee to expect at differing stages. This case is at the more extreme end - it ran - even though it settled after a half day hearing. That means that the case was prepared for full hearing. Had the case settled early ( and that will only happen when both parties can rationally deal with the case), any fee would be greatly reduced.

In Dublin, the smaller firms will charge in the region of E12.5K plus VAT and Counsels fees. The bigger or more high profile the firm ( McCanns, Gallagher Shatter, Gore and Grimes) the greater the fee - but they will make no bones about that. Their fees would be at least double the above.

When we get the cases in, the problem is that you cannot tell what the parties will do. People tend to behave in marital breakup the way they behaved in the marriage -pragmatists, bullies, self centred or head in the sand people will be the same during the proceedings. Even when they know that it will delay things or make the proceedings more expensive, it won't change it. A lot of spouses will fight to the bitter end because they want a good lengthy fight, they don't want to let go and they do not want the relationship ( no matter how bad it is and worse its getting) to end. All of these reasons are masked with lines like - I have to protect myself, its not for me its for my children etc.,etc. They are very valid reasons but not when they are not the real reasons.

The big problem is that you cannot know whether the case is one that will settle early/late or run and you have to advise the client of that with the rider that the longer it goes on, the more expensive it will be.

Thanks MF1

One quick Q:

If my judicial Separation agreement is full and final and states very clearly with also the below clause inserted. As I run my own company and do not want to be fleeced again in a divorce, can I apply for a DIY divorce and turn up on the day without fear of losing my business or any assets I have accumulated while I wait the 3/4 years unitl I can apply ?

''.....at the juncture ( Nov 2008 ), either party may invoke an application for a decree of divorce and mutual blocking orders pursuant to Section 18(10) of the 1996 Act. No further reliefs shall be sought by either party at that juncture by the other party ''

Please advise as I do not want to be hanging in limbo for the next few years ...

