Judgement Order


Registered User

My credit union have got a judgement against me on a personal loan which was used to fund a business that did not work out.

The business went and I thought I had an agreement with the credit union to pay a reduced rate but they proceeded with the judgement anyway, so between pig headedness and inaability to pay I stopped paying altogether.

I am now working full time PAYE and am willing to pay.

I currently owe them €15k and have offered to pay back €60/week (this is greater than 10% of my wages and is about all i can afford). I also have other debts.

Could you please answer the questions below as I have no experience in these matters:

  • My only asset of note is a car worth €5,000, if I lose this I will not be able to keep my job, will they take this from me?
  • Will my offer of €60/week be acceptable?

Any advice welcome and much appreciated.

Being pig headed is not helpful to dealing with problems, sympathy for the inability to pay however and glad you've moved to willing to pay.

You're highly unlikely to lose the car, all the CU wants is to be paid. Now they have a judgment, an order stating you owe x amount, they have to proceed further. Through maybe an instalment order as you have no assets other than the car.

Why not arrange a meeting with them and see if they take the €60 Euro offer, they'd be very silly not to. You ought to do up a statement of your income and expenditure so that you can 'prove' that 60€ is all that you can pay.

The worst thing to do is to do nothing. Engage.
Thank you for your response. The pig headedness stemmed from engaging with the CU, agreeing a reduced payment, making the first payment and then two weeks later receiving a letter from their solicitor saying they were proceeding with the judgement. Water under the bridge now.

I have filled in statement of means and lodged same with court and CU solicitors, along with my offer of 60/week. that was a few weeks ago but I havent heard anything back. Im thinking of contacting CU directly before courts date.

Like I said my main concern is the car as I could be sent anywhere for work and need a reliable vehicle.