JSB Job in Northern Ireland ???? Claim other Days



I receive Job seekers benefit (my stamps) since mid january 2011, i receive them for myself my husband and 2 children. €362 per week

I was offered a job in Northern Ireland 1 and half days per week getting £90 stg per week how would this affect my JSB ???

And can i claim for the other 4 days on my stamps, please advise ?????
Have a chat with your local office about your situation. The rulkes regarding 'frontier workers' will probably come inot play and it's probably too complicated for general advice here as you could easily be led astray by us idiots! Talk to the experts!
Yeah, don't let us idiots lead you astray. Any idiot can quote from a Department website lol


Seriously though, this is a very complicated area, i think the advice of the above poster is sound, you need to talk to someone. If you're not comfortable talking to welfare about it (as they may take an adverse view of you refusing a job), then probably best to talk to the likes of Migrant Rights Centre http://www.mrci.ie/ , or the EU Commission http://ec.europa.eu/ireland/about_us/index_en.htm

one thing to keep in mind is that if 1 of the days you were working is a Sunday this wouldn't come out of your JSB here.