Joint Mortgage Holder Not Notified By Bank of Arrears


Registered User
Hi there. I am a joint mortgage holder on a property 100k in negative equity. I have moved out of the house but have paid my half of the house since 2008. The other party was doing the same until last year. I only noticed we are -10k in arrears when I checked my online account today. I was not notified or contacted by the other half of the mortgage holder or bank. How can they hold me equally responsible without giving me the chance to work out a repayment scheme with them. The fact I have not had any opportunity to sort out a solution without it getting this far is surely against my rights. Do you think I can appeal the decision and ask the bank to delete my name from the ICB records. If and when this matter is resolved the other person will need to move out of the house so we can rent it and have a garaunteed income that covers the mortgage. For now I need to clear my name. Please Please help me. Im so upset and angry.
Just to clarify I received no mail, phone call or email from either the bank or the other mortgage holder. do they not have to contact both named parties on the mortgage before advancing to this stage?
Have you advised them of your new address and the situation? Usually arrears letters are computer generated and go to the mortgage address. Where a bank knows of a separation etc they usually can make sure both parties are contacted in the case of arrears etc.
Unfortunately, you are jointly and severally liable for the mortgage. If it's not paid, you are deemed to not have paid it.

I only noticed we are -10k in arrears when I checked my online account today.

So you could have checked earlier and you could have seen the problem earlier.

The problem is between you and the other person.
I agree with the 2 posts above. The bank will send all mortgage related letters to the mortgage address unless you supply them with an alternative address. However I am a bit surprised that they didn't ring you, perhaps they rang the other person and they are engaging with them. It is lousy to have your credit rating affected without your knowledge or being given a chance to prevent it but yes you have to tackle this with the other person on the mortgage, technically the bank hasn't done anything wrong.

Exact same thing happened with me, found out that a change of correspondence address letter had been sent to them with "my" signature on it (it's very clearly not my signature). I had to put in a subject access request to the bank to find this out (they send you a copy of everything they have on file for your mortgage account).

Doesn't really mean anything though, I thought this might help me in some way as a kind of proof that I didn't know the house was in arrears but the attitude is (and I can't argue with it in fairness) that it's up to me to keep an eye on my affairs.I still think it's insane that my account got to over 24K in arrears, the bank was moving to reposess and I never got so much as a phonecall.

Maybe it would be worth checking to see if that did happen for you too, as I say it hasn't helped me but maybe it will in your case, especially if you want to appeal with the ICB?
hi , I'm new here on this forum. I have a question about the same situation. I have joint mortgage but when broke up ,moved out house and since then ex has been paying mortgage. We signed that time agreement between us and solicitor that he will take all responsibility.We sent this letter to the Bank and I tried removed my name from the mortgage. No joy. I've tried after that 2 more times and bank refused. But they have never sent me letters.Ex has been dealing with bank and even when he has asked to changed his monthly payment they never asked me about it.
He lost his job and cannot pay mortgage so my question is if bank can go after me now?