Job contract issues


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I am involved in a community based project as a committee member. It is a not for profit service and we have 3 full time and 2 part people employed. We are having a few issues with a member of the staff. We have a Co-ordinator and 2 full time staff. 1 of the workers is on a higher rate than the other as she would take responsibility when the Co-ordinator is out of the service. She is now saying that this responsibility was not in her job contract or in her job description. She is looking for more money for this. She has been doing this for 6 years now with no quibble. She does not do any of the Co-ordinators work like report to the management or deal with banking issues or with funding matters. The only thing she does extra than her normal work would be to deal with service users on a day to day basis. She would only replace the Co-ordinator for 1 to 2 weeks in the year and a day here and there during the year. She is saying that her higher rate does not reflect this responsibility. We want to introduce updated job contracts and job description to include this responsibility. We cannot pay her any extra money as we do not have it. Can we update her job contract and job description on the same rate. If she refuses to do it for the rate that she is recieving what are our options. We do need to have some one take responsibility for the service if the Co-ordinator is not in the service. Our rates of pay would be higher than most similiar services. When we opened the service 10 years ago we had very basic contracts but we felt that she was paid more than the other work as she was in a supervisor role but it was not written in to her contract or job descripition. Can we update her job contract/job descripition without a pay increase. Any advice on how to proceed