job assist tax credit query


Registered User

hope someone can help me on here.
my husband recently started work after 4 years not working.. I have a couple of questions.
His income is just under 20k a year.. i am a higher rate tax payer. I called the revenue to send us new tax certificates and to ensure we are jointly accessed and that i would be the accessible spouse. I didnt realise that the high rate cut off in creases signifcantly as we are both earning and i can claim his cut of point? will this be calculated automatically as we are jointly accessed or do i need to let revenue know ..or do a balancing statement at the end of the year?
(he is being paid weekly and i am paid monthly)
The other question i have is when i was investigating tax calculators online i saw a credit for job assist year 1, year 2 and year 3 for long term unemployed? how does my husband claim for this and is it only calculated on his income or on our joint income?

thanks, will appreciate your help with this
Job assist

Your husband can download the forms online for job assist. Once the job is for 30 hours plus per week and the employer declares that it has the potential to last 6 months or more then he is entitled to claim the credit plus extra for any kids. The credit will only be allocated to husband and cannot be shared with you. But maybe you could take other credits he has which can be shared and leave him with this one. The handiest way to look at your allocations is to register online with PAYE and you can switch and change credits yourself to suit and see what ones can be juggled between both of you. As far as I know, your family can also keep the medical card(if you have one) for 3 years while hubby is on job assist.