JB and temp work


Registered User
I have been unemployed for about 9 months and on the Jobseekers benefit. I have been offer a temp full time role for 5-6 weeks. My questions is after this temp role finishes will I have to re apply of JB or is my benefit just put on hold for the duration of my temp contract?
Hi summer00

if you sign off Jobseeker's Benefit (JB) for less than 26 weeks then when you sign on again, it is treated as being a continuation of the same claim.

You do not lose the first 3 days waiting period again and the form you use to re-apply is simpler - the UP6 (http://www.welfare.ie/EN/Pages/jajbapplications.aspx).

You can find more on linked claims in the Operational Guidelines for JB on the welfare.ie site: http://www.welfare.ie/EN/OperationalGuidelines/Pages/jb_jobseekben.aspx

Graham Long
Citizens Information