I've just spilled a glass of red wine on a cream carpet...



can anybody help? Have mopped off surplus with warm water with washing-up liquid in and now it's just a soggy mass.

Any tips? (preferably whilst still wet!)
Re: I've just spilled a glass of red wine on a cream carpet.

Should've poured loadsa salt onto it before touching it. Worth wetting it up again (water!), and pouring salt on. Leave for an hour before hoovering up salt.

Is there much lef in the bottle?

Ocras thank you for that swift help. I've spread salt buty its a long-haired carpet and the red wine stains went right down through the tuft. What happened was I unwisely put my glass of wine on the desktop, thinking I'd open a few e-mails whilst the evening meal was cooking.

When I moved the mouse to exit an e-mail I knocked over the glass, the wine went all over the computer, table, documents..............and dribbled and splashed over the pale carpet for quite a distance.......little spots, but lots of them. Then hearing the volley of oaths and imprecautions at volume the dog, thinking it was a game, came over and walked around in the goo before a shout and a whack sent her back to her basket....leaving a trail of winey paw-prints across the room.

The perfect end to a perfect day!

Again thanks for your help.
Re: drat!

I spilled red wine on our new carpet and few months back, and after the shrieks from Mrs Cullenswood had died down we poured white wine over it, and soaked it up with kitchen paper and it didn't leave a stain....phew!
Red Wine

Hi Marie
If you don't act with the salt and the white wine before the stain dries, they are not really effective (or so I have found with a thumping heart crouching over my cream carpet). Vanish mousse is the best commercial stain remover for carpets that I have used (followed by 1001). Spray, leave it for a few mins, scrub like hell (I use a plastic scourer) and offer it up to St Jude. The vanish bar or washing liquid is not half as good on these jobs, I have found.

The higher the artificial pile content (polyamide/polypropylene), the harder the stains are to remove. Anything over 50% wool and you should be fine.

Best of luck!
Red Wine

I have removed dry red wine stains from carpet using 'Stain Away'. You can get this in Roches for €9.95, great for removing stains from clothes too.
Re: Red Wine

Saw an advertisement on TV last night for Vanish Oxy-action which says it can do the trick.