Italians & Leather jackets

Hi 40coats,

I agree regarding the scammers. I just dont agree that the people who do buy the jackets are greedy.

I suppose people do still feel its possible to get a "great deal" off a street hustler, otherwise these guys wouldnt bother? Its human nature I think to be interested in a good deal. We even have a forum here good deals/bad deals. The naivity comes in when people think off theyll get a good deal off these street hustlers. To answer your question who has ever gotten a good deal from a street hustler; I think this particular scam plays off the street sellers in italy (Milan) that sell handbags and belts and while these street sellers are not selling real gucci, prada bags you can get a great imatation for a good price - a good deal. I think then the scammers come over here and on that reputation hope to scam anyone they can.

Personally these scams makes my blood boil and I do think they target the "less savvy". It was similiar with the holiday scam phonecall that was going around there for a while, I cant remember the exact format but someone rang you and said youve won a holiday and after lengthy congratulations they asked for credit card details. Again they rang my parents and many in my parents town but interestingly never me, my brothers, my colleauges at work. Maybe it was a coincidence, maybe people in their 20s to 60s hung up but it seemed to be older people they got. Unfortunately my neighbour, 72 yrs old, fell for this one.

I dont think she was being greedy, just very naive.
The jacket scam happened to me a few years back in the carpark of McDonalds on Kylemore Road in Dublin (beside a ATM!).

Two tanned guys sitting in the car claiming to be returning to Italy, but have no cash on them and were willing to sell me there demo stock from a fashion show.

They were in a BMW, the driver had his arm outstreched over the steering wheel to make sure I spotted his gold rolex. The passenger in the middle of his spiel showed me an info pamplet from a hotel in Dublin to convince me that they had just left this expensive Hotel.

I'm not a leather jacket guy, so I had no intention of buying, however they insisted that I try a jacket on. The jacket looked very good and seemed to be of good quality. I politely turned down the offer and went back to the office.

Anyway I happened to speak to my father later that evening and he told me that the area was full of hard done by people with cheap imitation leather jackets! Apparently the sample jacket you try on is genuine, but when you go to buy it, they insist on giving you brand new jackets, wrapped nicely in plastic which of course are cheap fake leather ones!
Excuse my ignorance but" Genuine Imitation Armani" says it all really a cheap suit with a fancy label on the inside ,nowadays you can get a well made suit for under 300 euro in a high street store so why pay maybe the same money or more for somthing that probably will fall off your back in no time ,and with no comeback,these hustlers just want your money end of story ,if all thier merchandice was so fantastic why not take a shop and sell to all and sundry and make us all very happy with our bargain purchases in my opinion fake suits are for fake people !!!!!!!!!
Hi 40coats

I didnt see any on the baord say that they were buying fake suits? As for the leather jackets, the people who buy them are neither fake nor greedy, they are simply people who have been conned.

That is why its called a scam.
Hi casiopea my reference to fake suits was in relation to post number 16 on this stream , any way I still stand over my opinion on this issue ,if the public used any miniscule amount of savvy in relation to this scam they would not fall for it ,bottom line is buy anything off street sellers and be prepared to get stung ,its not as though I am the first person to go on about this ,therfore as I have said before those who fall for this deserve what they get " I give you the money you give me the rubbish " sounds like the actions of someone hyperinteligent !!!!!!! I dont think so
Like most cons, the leather jacket con relies on the greed of the gullible buyer to get a 'great deal' to succeed.
Was approached by one of these gents in Terenure on consecutive weeks - one mentioned going back to Spain with samples which would be taxed at airport therefore going for a song- I declined as I thought my wife would look strangely at self in antelope jacket .
Stopped by a nice italian wishing to give me a nice leather jacket. is this a scam.

I was waylaid today in a car park by a nice italian named giovanni who went to great pains to convince me he was going back to italy this afternoon and had a leather jacket that was about my size that he did not want to take back. he showed me his passport and pretended to show me his airline ticket. I asked was the jacket free and he said yes so i agreed to have a look. he pulled his car into a free space and then produced a bag with more than one leather jacket and then proceeded to tell me these were of the highest quality, i said i was only expecting to see a black one, he then said it cost 900 but i could have it for 250, i then said arriverderci and went on my way. it was only when i chatted to bro in law that he said this was a well known scam.

is it and what is the final outcome?

Re: Stopped by a nice italian wishing to give me a nice leather jacket. is this a scam.

NOAH said:
i then said arriverderci and went on my way.
You did the right thing. Yes, of course it's a scam..! The final outcome is that you hand over the cash and, hey presto! — you get a 'switched' bag with an imitation leather jacket, or nothing at all...
Re: Stopped by a nice italian wishing to give me a nice leather jacket. is this a sca

Try googling “leather jacket scam”.

Well that takes the biscuit. I am gutted now as I did not take car number plate but maybe garage have cctv. I did contact the local radio station and they may do an item on it tommorrow So I come back to Ireland, get stopped more times by the police than I ever was in my whole life, get led a merry dance with buying a house, get overcharged at petrol stations, have wrong amounts put through on barcodes,left car in for repair and the broken light was not replaced, the good one was!, attempted pickpocket, bits missing from sunday newspapers, items i odered delivered to wrong no 8 and left outside, wrong carpet fitted, wrong fireplace fitted, the list is endless.

I had not lived until I got back, ahh surra its a grand old country and now I get stopped by an Italian scam merchant, his attempt at showing the air ticket was woeful, in a remote place in Ireland. Never had so much fun in all my life.

Cant wait for tommorow the laughs are endless but those signs... oops dont go there.

ahh thats a typical reply, proves my point

Read my post again and I am not complaining, why dont you travel and do a bit of comparing. What happened is true but it was all done with a smile.

NOAH said:
ahh thats a typical reply, proves my point
Typical of what? And proves what point? It's hard for me to extract a point from some of your posts to be honest.
Read my post again and I am not complaining
Some of your posts above read like complaints to me but please refer to my first point/caveat.
why dont you travel and do a bit of comparing.
I have/do travel but thanks for the tip all the same.
extopia said:
Yeah, that was a bit below the belt alright...
How so? If somebody has many complaints about Ireland then it seems logical to wonder why they are here and not elsewhere in my opinion.
Hi there I know this post is years old but I just wanted to know if this had happened to anybody else recently. My poor boyfriend got done the other day out of €100 for 2 "leather" jackets! I had to tell him they weren't leather and he was super pi$$ed! The guy was supposedly Italian with black hair sleeked black hair, approx 35yrs old, grey suit, driving silver ford focus which the guy had rented (now obvious why) he showed my boyfriend the papers to proove his story about only coming to ireland for a clothes fair, he even showed his Italian license etc if anyone has any stories or sightings of this guy???
unlucky, you should say where and even ring the local radio station to scare them off. guy must be on good money as he is still here.
