ISI's Reasonble Living Expenses effective from1st August 2018

Jim Stafford

Registered User
In accordance with Section 23 of the Personal Insolvency Act, the Insolvency Service of Ireland (ISI) has issued guidelines as to what constitutes a reasonable standard of living and reasonable living expenses (RLEs) effective from 1st of August 2018.

Since the previous update in 2017, the ISI has liaised with the Vincentian Partnership for Social Justice, to learn about the experience of debtors who are living within the RLEs on a day-to-day basis. It also consults periodically with creditors and other stakeholders to gain insight into how the RLEs are operating in practice.

In addition the ISI has reviewed the constituent parts of the RLEs and while some categories have changed, the overall effect of inflation has led to a very slight decrease in living expenses.

Based on the above, the ISI has decided to maintain the RLE figures at their current level.

The most up to date version of the Guidelines is available here:

Jim Stafford
I can't seem to find a case study similar to our situation and what happens with rle's/income etc, in pia/bankruptcy. All the debt is in one name.