Is this a record for dentist fees ?

Re: Is this a record for dentist fees ????

Maybe if enough of us went to Budapest the prices would come down. dont any of you suckers try & pawn off the cost of the equipment. At 7.5k a day you could kit out a factory.

I an also astounded at some of the fees quoted for dental procedures. I only ever went as far as the North, for a crown. It was ten years ago or so and the crown falls out regularly since then. Fortunately I've been relatively lucky and - apart from the long running crown saga - have only otherwise needed routine dental visits.
With treatment costing so much money, it is understandable clients seeking dental work will look for the best deal. While in the car for a few minutes this evening, I heard someone who I think was from the Irish Dental Assoc warn of the dangers in going abroad for dental work. He seemed to single out Budapest. It was on Q102, a station I rarely hear so didn't hear very much of the interview. The guy was warning against the pitfalls of going abroad, including having so much treatment in a short space of time or not fully researching the actual dentist who performs the work. He also warned of the potential for things to go wrong and the difficulty of follow-up treatment from the original dentist in such cases.
It's a tricky one. I dont know what I would do if I needed a lot of expensive work done?
Re: Is this a record for dentist fees ????

the crown falls out regularly since then.
crowns if done correctly should not fall out on a regular basis.
The point re expensive work is that it takes time to get the bite right. A full mouth reconstruction is where virtually all teeth are crowned and frequently involves implants. The point person from IDA was making I feel was that this work if done correctly would take up to a few years to do and not a few weeks. This is because the new bite has to be trialled on temporary restorations for an extended period of time. Failure to do so is very much a shot in the dark. The lack of a follow up to keep an eye on the bite is an important factor also. For the expensive crown bridge and implant stuff a prosthodontist is needed. Some of these foreign clinics do have prosthodontists but it is difficult to explain how they could get "results" in such a short treatment time.
With treatment costing so much money, it is understandable clients seeking dental work will look for the best deal.
Absolutely. The worry I would have is that the foreign clinics do not phase treat the cases due to time constraints. They are probably under time pressures from clients and clinic managers to push through cases. Complex multiple crown and bridge/implant cases need phased patient treatment approaches which frequently can take years rather than days or weeks.
If I was a patient I would see how my dentist performed the routine stuff before putting my faith in them for complex stuff.
Re: Is this a record for dentist fees ????

. For what it is worth I would go to the specialist with the large property portfolio etc as he must be successful and he must be good!

Success at making money in a cartel is not the same thing as being a good dentist. Some dentists I know are clearly more interested in making as much money as possible, in "Rip off Republic" as Eddie Hobbs rightly often calls it.
Re: Is this a record for dentist fees ????

Success at making money in a cartel
There are no restrictions in this country for any eu dentist to set up practice beside me or any other dentist in this state. There are no restrictions as to what he or she charges. There are no restrictions to obtaining a gms or dsfca contract from the state. Rabbit if you have evidence of a cartel I would counsel you as a matter of grave urgency to report this as it is wholly illegal. This is a very serious accusation. You appear to have evidence in this regard. For the good of the public at large I urge you to act.
Re: Is this a record for dentist fees ????

It doesn't have to be a cartel. Dentists, like doctors always charge what the guy down the road is charging. Some charge more and some charge less, but the average is always expensive.
Re: Is this a record for dentist fees ????

Any personal recommendations for dentisits in NI to get two crowns done? PM me with details if you prefer. Thanks
You don't have to go as far as Budapest to get some work done. After having some problems with some of my teeth and being quoted 750 Euro /tooth for a root canal treatment by a "specialist" because my dentist decided during my second visit that he wasn't able to continue, as it was a "special" kind of root - after having charged me 150 euros at the first visit- I decided to look for a dentist elsewhere, as in total my dentist said I needed at least 4 more root canals done and then 4 crowns on them , which I wouldn't be able to afford , unless I'd take out another mortgage.
I went to Holland, where I found a dentist that not only didn't need a "specialist" and only charged roughly 100 euros a root canal treatment , did not agree I needed the crowns @450 euro, but a filling for 38 euro, and best of all for 200 Euro they knock you out completely, so they can do a lot more in a lot less time, had 3 root canals done in one pop.All in all it was fixed for less than 2 grand, including 2 tickets to Holland for 2 (made 2 weekends out of it) Hotel accommodation and a hire car.
Of course the best thing is you go to sleep and you wake up and all is done.

That was three years ago, had no problems apart from the odd filling falling out (which I knew would happen from the start), and every 6 months I go to Holland now and fix these small things.

Why is it so much cheaper in Holland ? Because it is regulated... There is a maximum price for every normal treatment procedure. Why does the Irish government not try and regulate the price of dentists, doctors and other medical practitioners. I am sure there are a lot of people not going to a doctor or dentist because of the prices here.
To keep this thread on topic, i.e. dental fees, I've split wider discussion on professional fees in general/cartels/rip offs/investment properties into this thread.

Much the same as

[broken link removed]

"The going rate"

( Dentists rate & your going )
The fillings related to in the could well be porcelain inlays or onlays which are laboratory constructed. As a rip off Irish dentist I would need to be on the magic mushrooms to ask that for a filling!
I went to Holland, where I found a dentist that not only didn't need a "specialist" and only charged roughly 100 euros a root canal treatment ,
100 euro would not cover the latest root canal materials for one case! [broken link removed]
For a standard case we would use a .04 and .06 taper set of profiles which are single use. Profiles are the same price all over the world. Very suspicious! I would love to see the xrays of these "special" root canals!! It would appear at this price the latest and accepted techniques are not being used?
It would appear at this price the latest and accepted techniques are not being used?

lol....the latest and accepted techniques of what ? Taking money out of peoples pockets for the least amount of work ? I know a few dentists from outside the Republic who express amazement at what dentists charge here.
Endodontics, sorry rabbit thought you might have twigged that after 31 posts on this thread!!

After an equal amount of posts you might have twigged that some of those engaged in "tooth work" are also experts in taking money out of peoples pockets for the least amount of work. Still, I suppose dentists have a not very nice job to do, and they do have a high suicide rate. As Eddie Hobbs might say, "shure they might as well ( charge top dollar ) , seeing as so many other people are at it , like."
After an equal amount of posts you might have twigged that some of those engaged in "tooth work" are also experts in taking money out of peoples pockets for the least amount of work.
Ah shucks! Thanks rabbit! I knew we would end up friends.
I have to admit I have a very bad opinion about Irish dentist and I don't think I will ever visit one again. Some 5 or 6 years ago I went to one, very busy one - got to wait 2 months for a visit - so I thought must be good if has so many patients. Anyway I got my tooth filled. The same evening I got horrible pain as if someone was putting a needle in a nerve. Well it went away soon enough. Then I started getting pain when biting. Went back to him, he polished the filling to prevent my teeth touch each other. After that I got a swelling on my gum and when pressed there was a discharge. That time I was pregnant. And again I went to my dentist. When I told him I was pregnant he said he cannot do anything for me, because he cannot take an x-ray. I asked him whether he can't open it and put some medicine to heal it. He said no and sent me home with the infected tooth. Few months later I went home to Poland for summer holidays and went to visit a dentist. She didn't take an x-ray either, but she opened the tooth, cleaned it, filled with medicine. I visited her twice after that, once to get the medicine changed and finally to get the root canal done. She mentioned that the filling might be temporal as she did not X-rayed me and asked me to come back after the birth of my baby for a check-up. I did - the tooth was ok, no infection was so ever. In fact that "temporal" filling is in place till today, 4.5 years later. So you can see there are thing that Irish dentist find impossible, while dentists elsewhere will fix without much of a problem. I don't know what would have happened if I was relying on the Irish dentist and waited another 5 months to get the tooth repaired. I know for sure that it wouldn't have been good neither for me nor for my baby. And in terms of price for the whole thing (including filling of some other teeth) I paid the same amount of money as for that one feral filling done in Dublin. And it was a very expensive dentist!
Now I need to visit a dentist again and I will try the new polish medical center Medicus open on Prussia Street. They charge €70 – 120 for a filling. Hopefully they are good as well as when it comes to health it’s not the price that is the most important but the quality of service.
Re: Is this a record for dentist fees ????

To be honest I am so busy I wish some would! From this thread I really should raise my fees to make life a bit easier for myself as I think I am too cheap!!

Don't you take holidays? I went to Cracow for a week last May and got 2 crowns; 2 specialist fillings ( they were pre-moulded and inserted) and 1 filling and that cost me €900. And the equipment was state of the art.
I'm all for looking for value for money but would stop short of travelling to Krakow, South Africa, Norn Iron or wherever for any form of medical treatment. I've had a root canal's not as straightforward as some people are making out. Dentists are highly trained individuals, they have to pay staff and I've no doubt the capital expenditure on equipment is high.

I have a slightly tooth which isn't really visible. When I mentioned it to my original dentist he said it should be shaved down and crowned at huge expense.
When I asked my present guy he said that the chances of success did not justify the outlay for me and advised me not to be so vain. he still charges a lot (the going rate) but this is what I want in any medical practitioner.
Honesty, integrity and good work...when it comes to your health the cost is not relevant.
Whats the point here ? Is it the poor training or lack of investment by the foreigners that prevents you looking for value for money abroad ?
he still charges a lot (the going rate) but this is what I want in any medical practitioner.
Honesty, integrity and good work...when it comes to your health the cost is not relevant.
Have to agree with you here , when it comes to "honesty, integrity and good work" cost is not relevant . But as you well know , cost is not an indication of quality either ( but cost does give a good indication of PROFITS!!) . Ireland definitely has 1st world prices but the service experience is sometimes far from the European norm.
IMO when you visit your local doctor or dentist in Belgium or Germany , it's a 1st world experience ...... we are definitely not there yet , many still have very clapped out equipment, waiting rooms and toilets .
Got root treatment, metal post fitted and a crown about 6 months ago for €1,100. Took four visits.