Is rent allowance being abused?

Hi Liam,
I can imagine, a friend is renting a studio / granny flat in Leixlip for about that price and I was surprised it seemed so reasonable, but as it turns out LL not registered and the resulting concequences.
Maybe, given that there is a reported increase in unrented / available properties you could highlight a few you are interested in and meet your criteria and approach the LL with something along the lines of "I understand you don't accept SW tenents but I'm actively seeking work and interviewing at the moment and anticipate it will be a short term thing before I would become a private tenant" may be worth a shot. Just keep mum about the balancing payment of €30 or whatever it may be, SW just don't want to be told that but I imagine are completly aware it occours.
Best of luck with everything.
Well the news for me goes from bad to worse I just received a phone call saying I have been not been offered the job i intervied for..

Its very hard Liam but remember you are in good company in this department...the very best. Everyone is receiving PFOs these days. There are 100s of good people going for good jobs. Only one will get it. That doesn't mean the other 99 are no good...not at all...only that there is only one job.

Very depressed at this stage I think its the end of the road for me and its time end it all nothing left to live for at this stage.

Hey Liam, sorry you are feeling so bad. Not hard to understand why really.
But remember there is only UP from here.
Living reasonably well on social welfare is possible...but you need to have your wits about you and be resilient to do it.

If you have no choice but to augment your rent allowance...just do it.
Don't feel guilty....either bend the rules or you'll break and that's not on.
There are alot of sanctamonious people about, who don't understand how hard it is for vunerable people to get what they need. You sound like an honest, intelligent and strong person. You WILL succeed!

I'm thinking you want to live alone for mental health reasons. But maybe you would be better off sharing? If you are currently very depressed maybe you should talk to your family or can get out of this...but probably need lots of support.

Ending it all now is like cutting off your foot cos you broke your toe.
The pain is unbearable right now, but it will get better. You know that yourself.

Have you considered doing a course? My sister is in college at the moment and really enjoying it, even if she is the elder lemon.
It offers a good alternative to being unemployed, as it stimulates the mind and keeps you occupied and meeting people (especially if you plan on living alone)

Sending you a massive cyber hug and reminding you that life does get better. Please talk to your family and/or doctor tomorrow.
Cant believe how harsh some posters are!!
The SW KNOW its not possible to rent a house/apt/flat for the amount of rent allowence,if you and I are capable of finding this out then they are,surely?
They know some people have to top the RA up.
It is next to impossible to get landlords to take RA,and when you do,the tennant HAS to say the rental is less than it really is,therfore the landlord gets the balance into the hand ,and wont have to pay tax on it either as its not declared.
It is totaly unrealistic to expect SW tennants to find a place of their own for 520 e when its clear that they are not available,the stress must be huge.Also as the RA must be topped up it means in effect that the tennant in recipt of it is living on very little money.
There is no doubt that this is a huge cost to the state,and the taxpayers however when you are in that position through no fault of your own,what options do you have?? Very few,so do what you need to do,and dont mind anyone who holds the moral high ground,you need to look after yourself,ignore those who have no experience of what you are going through.
I know you feel realy bad,but could you speak with someone?or you can email which may bring you back to a better place.
Best of luck
Just thought I'd mention that the Community Welfare Service (who deal with persons applying for Rent Supplement) have made very detailed submissions each time the maximum rent limits are reviewed (every 18 months). The service is very aware of the difficulties faced by tenants in finding suitable accommodation, and have included this in submissions made to Dept of Social & Family Affairs (who set the rent limits).

However the limits have not been amended since 2007, and, given the publicity of reports announcing % decreases in rent, plus pressure from Dept of Finance re increased expenditure on Rent Supplement, the limits are at best likely to remain at current levels at their next review. The next review is due before the end of this year as the current limits expire on 31/12/2009.