Is redundancy due...


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I am helping a friend who is trying to keep his small pub business going. It has been losing money for the past 2 years and he has run out of savings to keep it going. I have been reviewing all of costs to see if there is any way we could keep it going. We are also looking at ways to grow the trade but its very tough at the moment.

I have come to the conclusion that he may be able to stay afloat but he would need to let his one and only employee go. This person has been working there for about 10 years.

My question is; will he have to pay this employee redundancy? My friend does not have the cost of this redundancy and if he was forced to pay it he would have to close and sell the business. He also lives above the pub so would in effect lose his home as well.

We feel really sorry for the employee too but would a person have to close and sell their business/home to pay redundancy?
Redundancy is due but you can pay it by instalment if you get the agreement of the department. EG If €50 is all you can demonstrate you can pay a month, they will accept that.