is our cash safer under the mattress ?

i would say split it up...half in the bank..half under the mattress, that way if the banks go belly-up you are still left with something.
If one is going to put cash under the mattress please put it in a fireproof box, be aware that it is the first place thieves will look and whether you are lying on it or not is not going to protect you from a thug. You only have to read all the stories of people in their 70's being beaten up for the cash they store in the house to seriously reconsider keeping money in the house.
The only was the bank deposits are not save is if the governments of Europe fall....

If the governments of Europe fall , then the euro won't have a value anyway..
Then after paying a chiropractor for the ensuing years, you may not be able to get out the door when the chip pan goes up
Now that I think of it , how about gold/oil under the mattress....

both should maintain value in case of collapse of society...
Would burying it not be safer than under the mattress?
When one of my grandparents died, an aunt and uncle were spotted out in the garden digging, I kid you not. I've known money to be hidden under a carpet, behind a picture, under the tablecloth in the kitchen, behind a brick, under the floorboards, frozen in the deep freeze ................. Some people forget where they put it and some people die without it ever being found.
About 25 years ago, while renovating a house in France, I pulled up an old stairs carpet and found 5'000Ff in high denomination notes. The house had been derelict for yonks. Had to go to the bank to change them - they were the old large brightly coloured ones. Pretty bad headache the following day, naturellement!

I can’t believe that still happens. Don’t people make treasure maps anymore?