Is my offer ridiculous?

Just went in with an offer of €155k and was told no way. Thanks for all your advice though. I'm glad I made the offer anyway!
Just went in with an offer of €155k and was told no way. Thanks for all your advice though. I'm glad I made the offer anyway!

It might be your lucky day dotcom. The day you didn't catch a falling knife.

All the best

Just went in with an offer of €155k and was told no way. Thanks for all your advice though. I'm glad I made the offer anyway!

If you have your heart set on this property, keep your eye on it over the next while.

Properties are taking months to sell and if they receive no further offers, a slightly higher 2nd offer made by you may very well be considered.
Just went in with an offer of €155k and was told no way. Thanks for all your advice though. I'm glad I made the offer anyway!
Unlucky. There are still a lot of sellers that are in denial and do not know how to correctly value their property. This will change over the next couple of years.

If you keep your eyes peeled for any properties that match your needs and place fairly valued offers, it will eventually pay off. Best of luck!
Hi Afuera,

Could you please expand on that? What kind of low risk investment guarantees you 6% return today?


Plenty of municipal bond funds and similar to choose from out there. Vanguard provides useful data on this if you are looking to research it further. Note that I didn't say that it is risk free, however compared to a large lump sum invested in a single asset class with a bad future outlook the risk could be considered minimal.
Just went in with an offer of €155k and was told no way. Thanks for all your advice though. I'm glad I made the offer anyway!

Keep an eye on it, if it is still there in 2 months time, go back and offer €150k and see what they say

I think you were right with your offer..Take last years high price of 270,00 and take 40% (at least) off of it , gives you a price of €162,00.
If they told you no way then just wait and watch.
My house is for sale .. was 370,00 now pricing at 230,00
The house I purchased recently , was 695,000 (2 years ago) got it for 400,00..

A good customer of mine is an auctioneer and he told me take the high price of last year and knock 40% off - 40% last month and it's looking like 50% this month.. I'm thinking I may have paid too much !! But I'm happy with the property and price.

Best of luck in your quest and don't be put off ...


Would an offer of €160,000 on this property be completely ridiculous?!

No, not at all. I have been looking at commercial property in the last couple of months. With some of the buildings the owners were more than happy to lease at 25% of what they were getting at the peak.