Is it safe to log into B.O.I online today?


For a feel of the rates, feel free to look up the interbank rate on the 24th ($1.42 afaik) and compare to what I got $1.40. So I typed in (e.g.) $150 and it deducted roughly €107 from my account.

There is also a limited currency calculator on your account management options. When you have selected your account, underneath the "Nickname Change" button you will see "Currency Calculator". It only converts from Euros which is a fat lot of good if your invoice is in a foreign currency! Also it seems to be limited to €5000 for some bizarre reason (given that there is a much higher limit for a transfer that seems strange).

On the details disappearing while logging in, I think it is because the page hasn't fully loaded at that point even if it looks like it is, waiting an extra moment before entering details has paid off for me!
The rates used are from the same source as are displayed in branch.

The charges depend on the currency used. I don't know how they compare to the other banks.

The dropdown lists for PIN validation are, as already noted, in response to a known problem.

The International payment limit is appropriate for retail transactions. The higher limit is for domestic transfers - to criticise the former for not being the same as the latter is like complaining an apple doesn't taste like an orange.
Do you know what the maximaum foreign exchange transfer is (via online transfer)? Does this differ from what can be done in the branch?
Do you know what the maximaum foreign exchange transfer is (via online transfer)? Does this differ from what can be done in the branch?

Online it's €5000 per day. Don't know what the branch limit is.
The dropdown lists for PIN validation are, as already noted, in response to a known problem.
While it is good to hear that it fixed a rather alarming issue I think that most users find it a clunky and awkward solution, especially those of us who prefer not to use the mouse for input. Just because BOI have provded a solution doesn't mean that we should be delighted with it as functionality.

The International payment limit is appropriate for retail transactions. The higher limit is for domestic transfers - to criticise the former for not being the same as the latter is like complaining an apple doesn't taste like an orange.

Thank you, that clarifies the limitation, I would like to point out though that they have neglected to indicate on the website (other than by the currency converter limitation) what the actual limit is for a transfer. As you can use the paper form to transfer up to 50,000 euro and in the absence of any information on the website to the contrary, I assumed there was a decimal place glitch or similar fault.
My "complaint" is really about the way that the converter is presented (the limit was an aside), it would be more usual in my case (and I suspect in general) to know what the value is in the target currency and need to find out what the value is in euros having a conversion from euros I have to make an educated guess at a ball park before extracting any value from this facility.

I may be wrong here (and can't check it out) but, at payment, you can nominate a base currency other that EUR. The converted amount is shown before you have to confirm payment.
Kind of getting back on topic with this but does anyone else have ongoing issues with this site.

I generally do my online banking early morning (6.30-7.00am)before work but more often than not find I cannot log on. After putting in my pin I get a message that my details are incorrect ( definitely not). I go back in and try again and get the same message. It's annoying but more importantly worrying that I seem to have limitless attempts to log on and it is asking me for the same 3 digits each time. ( I have tried 9 times this morning!)

I have tried to use different browsers ( IE and Mozilla) and shut down the browser between attempts.

I have emailed BOI with my complaint and concerns.
Hi JP,
I had the exact same issue last Friday- my details were definitely correct and it said they were incorrect. I rang 365 and they 'unlocked' my code,
Doesn't intill me with a lot of confidence.....
I have had similar problems logging in, but took this as the security system deliberately double checking, which in a strange way gave me comfort, yet there were these niggling doubts as to whether it was a software blip!
My solution was to hit the refresh button, enter the codes and invariably got through.
I eventually got on at work, ( which I hate to do but I needed to make a transfer today before close of (banking) business) again after numerous attempts and it still asking me for the same 3 digits. I understand them being security conscious but after seemingly limitless attempts it did make me wonder if someone determind enough could eventually guess the codes if they knew enough about a person.
The fact that the drop down displays the characters in plain text makes somewhat of a mockery of the recommendations to 'guard your PIN'

To enter using the new interface you must visibly display the elements of your PIN as you select them from a list. This doesn't make sense at all, at all.

It now takes longer to log in and I can't type in the elements of my PIN as before. I know people can see what keys I hit when entering my PIN, but it's a whole lot easier to see the numbers when they are displayed on screen.

I'm not sure I would call this progress.

Hi JP,
I had the exact same issue last Friday- my details were definitely correct and it said they were incorrect. I rang 365 and they 'unlocked' my code,
Doesn't intill me with a lot of confidence.....

Mrs Joe1234 had the same problem over the weekend. she rang them and was told that her PIN had been blocked and they would re-issue her a Pin number. Of course that would take 3 to 5 working days.
This new interface is a joke.

1) a few days ago after logging in I got a page saying something like "Your login may not have worked correctly, so please click on this button" This is a *classic* phishing route - get someone to enter their details twice and capture one then pass them on to the correct site. This time I didn't have to re-enter the details, but it didn't give me a good feeling.

2) I just noticed that even if you enter incorrect details on the first page (get the phone number wrong for example) you proceed to the next page and are told when that user last logged in - information disclosure

3) worst of all, I also just copped on that *all* elements of the credentials are displayed in clear text during the login process. This is sooooooooooooo wrong. I hinted at it above, but I didn't put it together till now. On the first page you have to enter your user ID and a 'secret' like your phone number or birthday - both are displayed in plain text. Then on the second page you have to select elements of your pin from a plain text drop down list.

Thankfully, BOI are switching back to the original log in system "in response to feedback from customers". So many of these problems should be consigned to history! I just logged in a couple of minutes ago and there was a message about it.
Thankfully, BOI are switching back to the original log in system "in response to feedback from customers". So many of these problems should be consigned to history! I just logged in a couple of minutes ago and there was a message about it.

Just logged in also and something strange going on. Withdrawal that was made recently and showed up yesterday on the account has now disappeared and the original is back to what it was before Have their on-line records gone back a day or two?
Just logged in also and something strange going on. Withdrawal that was made recently and showed up yesterday on the account has now disappeared and the original is back to what it was before Have their on-line records gone back a day or two?

Happens from time to time when they are updating their systems.
Balance and transactions go haywire.
Also happens to me(transaction goes missing) when I use my atm card abroad, say I take out 50 euro.The site confirms it that day, and then next day it dissapears for five days!
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On 31/12/2007 logged into my account and saw transactions (D/D's) dated 02/01/2008. When I queried this with 365 Telephone Banking, they couldn't explain why and referred me to my branch, who referred me to 365 Online, etc.

I share the security concerns jez has above as well as these appearing / disappearing transactions that no-one in BoI seems able to explain.

At least the BoI service has more consistent uptime than Vodafone who are constantly off-line displaying meaningless messages like "ERROR xxxx logins disabled".
Their account info seems pretty patchy at times. I am used to it now, but it used to freak me out when I would check to see what the balance was and despite knowing that the previous days closing balance had been (say) €2,000 and then seeing a cheque presented for (say) €250 and seeing a balance on the account of €1,500 - they seem to have some double counting issue when posting transactions, particularly in the evenings.

I now know that when you go back in an hour later it will show €1,750 so I don't worry about it any more. Either this only affects withdrawals from the account or else I don't have enough lodgements going in to notice it happening to them.

Thankfully, BOI are switching back to the original log in system "in response to feedback from customers". So many of these problems should be consigned to history! I just logged in a couple of minutes ago and there was a message about it.

At last, I logged on this afternoon and the drop downs are gone.
I use the Business on line package and it seems fairly ok. One thing I have noticed: my password is not case sensitive. This seems odd.

Would the non-case-sensitivity be regarded as a sufficient departure from best practice to actually constitute a breach of acceptable standards? Any views?