Home Is it possible to to take out buildings insurance on a house which you don't own?


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I suspect that the answer is no but . . is it possible to to take out buildings insurance on a house which you don't (yet) own but have signed a contract to purchase and therefore have an interest in? I expect that the current owner has the house fully insured and I appreciate that you can't double insure the house (well can't get double payout) but I'm wondering if one could be somehow exposed having signed a contract to purchase but not having buildings insurance.
I would think yes, once you have an insurable interest in the house, if you have signed and are committed to completing purchase then I don't see why not.
Everyone has to do this.

The bank won't let you draw down the money until there is proof of the insurance being in place.
The bank won't let you draw down the money until there is proof of the insurance being in place.
That's what I thought . . so I rang FBD, 123.ie & chill.ie and the concept did not compute which any of those I talked to.
You can be sure the bank's own insurance agency will sort it for you at a price! Try a face to face broker maybe rather than the online ones like Chill who can't deviate from the bog standard inquiry.
I suspect that the answer is no but . . is it possible to to take out buildings insurance on a house which you don't (yet) own but have signed a contract to purchase and therefore have an interest in? I expect that the current owner has the house fully insured and I appreciate that you can't double insure the house (well can't get double payout) but I'm wondering if one could be somehow exposed having signed a contract to purchase but not having buildings insurance.

Typically the sellers policy in place will have a clause whereby a purchaser who has contracted to buy the property will benefit under the sellers policy in the event of a loss. Check with your solicitors that there is insurance cover in place and that there is adequate cover and that the policy does have a purchaser clause. If so, there is no need to attempt to take out a new policy at this stage.
I am currently going through this as I have signed contracts on a house I wont get into until end of Jan'13.
Solicitor recommended I get cover on the house as I have a contractual interest in then property.

FBD are are going to call me tomorrow with my options- i will let you know.
In the end I just took out House insurance with Allianz as I was able to supply a correspondence address which differed from the new house address.