Is it possible to have church marriage and not civil marriage?


Registered User
Hey there, I was wondering if anyone knew if it was possible to have a church marriage and not a civil one, meaning you'd be married in eyes of church but not civil so not legally recognised. Have insurance reasons why I don't want legal wedding but do want to be hitched to my man. What u think?
It dosen't matter whether you get married in a registry office or in a church, you have to legally sign the registry in both cases.

Did you really think that by marrying in a church ceremony you wouldn't be married in the eyes of the State........?

I think the OP was asking if you can have the church cermoney and not to sign the registry, so in practice being married in the eyes of God and not the state.
But I may be wrong.
Hey DavyJones, you are quite right, dont want it legal, just want the blessing I suppose...too much legal stuff if we go down state recognised route. I would like the day out, want to be hitched but don't want the legal side of things...just don't know anyone who's ever done this or even if I can get the church "on side" with the idea? Maybe I have to go ask to find out. I've googled but nothing came up, maybe my search words weren't great...
Actually did you know that pre-nups are not legal in this country, as unromantic as they are...if a couple get together with a past (baggage), it would sometimes be of great benefit to have it. The laws need to change in this country around marriage.

Yeap think I'll go talk to the's been a while I can tell you. Thanks for your replies, greatly appreciated.
Excerpt from which may be of assistance:

If you or your partner are an Irish citizen(s) and are thinking of getting married outside of Ireland, you should realise that the legal validity of your marriage is governed, in part, by the laws of the country in which you marry. In most, if not all cases, the legal formalities abroad are very different to those in Ireland. For example, a church marriage abroad is usually a purely religious ceremony with no legal effect. Because it is not recognised in law in the country in which it takes place, it cannot be regarded as a legal marriage in Ireland. This is the case even though a marriage in the same church or denomination in Ireland can be legally binding.

Looks as though you might be having a holiday abroad thrown in! Good luck.

Your dead right, keep all your money for yourself . I can't see any reasonable priest refusing to give your realationship a blessing. although the wording of the cermony will probably be different.
Loving the "Excerpt from" thanks, maybe a holiday is on the cards!

As for mones for myself...could be a case of keep my debt away from someone else!? I believe once you get married it's all tied up together...see maybe I could start a trend?!

Is this thread a joke or are you being serious?
I was thinking the same thing, its quite ridiculous. It's a bit like having the icing without the cake.
I would have thought that going through the whole trappings of marriage without getting married would constitute fraud? What is it about the legal route that you object to? Historicly marriage was about property and money, and only incidentaly about romantic love, but the legal side was/is an integral part of this! What does your partner think about this?

On another note, is it likely that you will get a priest to give you a blessing, so that you are not married and can continue to 'live in sin'? A kind of pretend wedding?
Reminds me of the recent Sharon Collins story
Herself and PJ Howard had a public do in 2005 celebrating their "marriage" after attending a church in Italy to pledge themselves as a couple. I believe they referred to each other as husband and wife but he, at least, confirmed in writing to his solicitor that they were not married.
I may be wrong in this but I think that in pre divorce Ireland , if one was granted a church annulment, then in the eyes of the church , one was free to marry again in the Catholic church even though one was still married in the eyes of the state provided there were no impediments to further church marriage laid down in the terms of the annulment.However, I very much doubt if the Catholic church would facilitate you in what you propose.
I may be wrong in this but I think that in pre divorce Ireland , if one was granted a church annulment, then in the eyes of the church , one was free to marry again in the Catholic church even though one was still married in the eyes of the state
Correct as far as I know. Unless the couple also went for a state annulment.
However, I very much doubt if the Catholic church would facilitate you in what you propose.
I would be surprised too. (The original poster never explicitly said Catholic Church by the way).
I don't want legal wedding but do want to be hitched to my man. What u think?
dont want it legal, just want the blessing I suppose...too much legal stuff if we go down state recognised route. I would like the day out, want to be hitched but don't want the legal side of things...
This makes very little sense to me. Marriage is basically a contract but you seem to be looking for some sort of gentleman's agreement?
Yeap think I'll go talk to the's been a while I can tell you.
If you are not even a regular observer of your (?) faith then I doubt that the clergy will entertain this sort of thing. And maybe not even if you are!
Is this thread a joke or are you being serious?
I was thinking the same thing, its quite ridiculous.
I would not disagree with you two.
Remember that it is quite possible to marry but keep your financial affairs completely separate, and that includes debts. If this is the reason, then you need advice on the finances, not some hair brained scheme of being half married.
Remember that it is quite possible to marry but keep your financial affairs completely separate, and that includes debts. If this is the reason, then you need advice on the finances, not some hair brained scheme of being half married.

I agree that this seems to be the OP's prime motivator (OP, perhaps you could confirm?)
