Is it Paddy's turn to be an idiot?


Registered User
In recent years, we have watched aghast & bemused as the Brits voted for Brexit & Boris and the Yanks for Trump. Is it now Paddy's turn to be an idiot and allow the Sinners to get their filthy hands on the tiller? [The new low has to be Paul Quinn debacle - all politicians can be dodgy sometimes - but these guys are really off the scale ugly.]
What’s new about the Paul Quinn story. He was murdered in 2007. Conor Murphy’s remarks that have caused so much comment were made in 2007.

Yeah but it was only Monday or Tuesday of this week when Mary Lou was denying that Conor Murphy said anything. And they were still refusing to apologise or even to acnowledge there was something to apologise for.
Sinn Fein are putting on a great show as usual in the run up to the election, by promising what cannot be delivered. But you really only have to scratch the surface to see what lurks beneath.

I hope to God they are nowhere near being in the mix for the next government.
Important article by Dan O'Brien in today's Indo. Anyone even contemplating voting for SF should read & digest this article. Be very careful what you wish for....

What’s new about the Paul Quinn story. He was murdered in 2007. Conor Murphy’s remarks that have caused so much comment were made in 2007.
The fuss is (understandably) all about the hurt caused to PQ's family. But that is missing the main point. SF were seeking to justify IRA barbaric vigilante justice by telling the lies about PQ. Even if PQ was into smuggling, society cannot possibly tolerate a private paramilitary force taking brutal justice into its own hands. This, together with opposition to the Special Criminal court emphasise for anyone who is in any doubt that SF/IRA is the correct description of this party.
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Well cremeegg - any oul budge in your position?!
The sad part is the people who think some people have budged are falling into a trap, I have being watching how SF handled the Issue right up until midnight they were on damage repair footing,

If they read post no 9 they will say it worked,

For the record in my opinion the long time respected poster has nothing to budge about, I ask myself the same Question Where has FF/FG and others being since 2007

In fact you could see in the deputy leaders debate last night FF/FG did not like the question being asked because it gave SF a chance to mend there fences before election day,
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For the record in my opinion the long time respected poster has nothing to budge about, I ask myself the same Question Where has FF/FG and others being since 2007

... to mend there fences...
I agree that the boul' cremeegg is a long time respected poster. I am impressed that you too have come to that conclusion after 2 months' membership.

Congrats! Only one mispelt "there" in the whole post, albeit this amounted to a 100% error rate.
You actually watched the Championship debate!? Jayz, I found the Premiership debate boring towards the end (too long). I wasn't going to bore myself to death watching the Championship.
(Theres)many a true work spoken in jest
I love your minders Did you see my message on (Humer does not transfer )before it got deleated,
A bit pedantic perhaps?
I know the poster has quite a history of mixing up there and their but in fairness it's an easy mistake to make and indeed repeat.
I should point out that the exclamation mark after your use of the word debate is a mark of terminal punctuation and as such should not be followed by a question mark .
Thanks for the punctuation correction
I don't think it is correct to say that josh mixes up "there" and "their". I don't think I have ever seen him use "their".
Slightly seriously though, we all make spelling and punctuation errors especially with predictive text (apologies if you are the exception). But others have also commented that josh' posts can be almost unreadable.
A The stale script with the perfect spelling is getting harder to sell, ,
But the jest of the message Is getting through , I have met perfect spellers in real life but when it comes to cop on you wonder how the put there pants on the correct way every day,
But the jest of the message Is getting through , I have met perfect spellers in real life but when it comes to cop on you wonder how the put there pants on the correct way every day,

Everyone makes mistakes but have you tried reading back what you post? Maybe I am stupid but I had to read that three times before I began to grasp what you are trying to say.

From what I can gather from your various posts, I think what you are trying to say we should all go live in Austria?