Is INBS best regular saver at moment?


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Regular saver best buys suggests PTSB is best buy for regular saver but INBS website quotes 4.35% for regular saver deposit account

Am I missing something here? Have INBS fees or other that make PTSB best buy?

The best buys for term deposits and variable rate lump sumps are normally chosen based on their respective interest rate payment.

The best buys for regular saver products are normally chosen based on both interest rates, T&C's etc given the nature of many of these products.

The highest interest rate for a regular saver product is AIB @ 5.00% but the T&C's are so stringent, as discussed in other threads, we don't list it.

For INBS, the rate guarantee up until December 31st 2009 was ECB + 3.35%. The rate guarantee is now ECB + 1.00%. INBS have said that they are reviewing the rate offered in February and it seems, almost certain to be cut, possibly as low as 2.00%. On that basis, I think those that want a regular saver account are better off opening an account with PTSB or EBS (if you are happy to save for 1 year only).

If INBS do not cut their rate in February, I will review their placement in the regular saver best buys.