Is Bertie Delusional?


Registered User
This guy just gets worse.
He is now blaming the media for not following the economy enough because they were too interested in the Mahon Tribunal.
He also blames FF's poor showing in the polls for him not having a chance at the presidency. Nothing to do with his personal credibility of course.

[broken link removed]
I think he had a point.... Maybe he should repay and forego his lavish expenses to fund the investigation he calls for?
I actually think that "delusional" is too kind a word to describe this imbecile.

On the economy, Mr Ahern said there was “not a lot” he would have done differently.
Is he for real?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

On the Department of Finance’s reports on the economy, Mr Ahern said: “In fairness, the Department of Finance give you warnings about everything”.
And it was his job to ignore them all?!?!?!?!?!?!?
While he cant blame individual media members newspapers certainly had no difficulty making millions from advertsisng properties.
Some of the property supplenents were twice the size of the main newspaper.
However you cant blame the brothel owners if the customers wants to waste their money on extras
Bertie resigns
Just a few months later the country enters recession
Coincidence? I think not

Come back Bertie, sorry for ever doubting you
Bertie resigns
Just a few months later the country enters recession
Coincidence? I think not

Come back Bertie, sorry for ever doubting you

He retires from his seat as FF TD and the party implodes at the polls.
Coincidence? I think not.
Some tried to debate about the property market but the thread was shut down and posters got banned
I recall many posts filled with hubris on AAM mentioning Ireland being a model economy and punching above its weight. There was no mention of Bertie's flaws then.
ahhhh, there was.

I've been posting my opinion of him for years. OK, a watered down version so I didn't get banned.
I voted FF under Reynolds but never voted for them when Bertie was in charge. It’s an understatement to say that I passionately despised him both as a person and a politician. He personified everything that was wrong with Irish politics in particular and Irish society in general.

I never remember that being said on AAM. If it was it was certainly not a consensus view.
I am going out on alimb here - but governments take advice from the civil service.

The ESRI predicted a soft landing.

The Central Bank had a job to do.

The Regulator had a job to do.

What many are doing is blaming Bertie.

People believed the Celtic Tiger was a reality. So did the whole public service.

Many got things wrong including politicians.

Bertie was in charge.

Howard Beale
Bertie was in charge.

But many factors were outside his control.

It was turned into a politicalfootball by Labour & FG.

Bertie had only the advice of the public sector to rely on.

This is my major gripe.

The ESRI gave out very timid warnings.
But many factors were outside his control.
He aggressively pursued pro-cyclical economic policies as Minister for Finance and Taoiseach. He was in charge. That didn’t mean that he was just a mouth-piece for his advisors, it meant that he set government policy.
The world and it’s mother knew that we were losing competitiveness, that we were in the middle of a massive property bubble and that our current expenditure was being financed by the capital tax receipts from that bubble. If he didn’t understand that he had no business taking the job. His defence seems to be that it wasn’t his fault because he didn’t understand what’s going on or, in summary “I’m thick, it’s everyone else’s fault for not telling me what to do".

Bertie had only the advice of the public sector to rely on.

This is my major gripe.
When you are in charge it’s your job to assess the quality and veracity of the advice and information you receive. There were thousands of column inches written my economists and commentators, both domestically and internationally, who were crying foul. It seems that none of them took his advice and killed themselves but the same cannot be said for some of the victims of this recession.

The ESRI gave out very timid warnings.
True but they aren’t the centre of the universe.