Is a pot of Gold a pot of Gold!


Registered User
Hi Folks,

I recently got a call out of the blue from a trader who wanted to give me some inside info on world markets! His tone was that he was giving me a tip-off on the movement of Gold in the world market...

Basically I invest €10,000 in Gold through his company and sit back and reap the rewards probably double my money because of Geopolitical factors!!!!

He seemed genuine (well I suppose they all do) he was pushey but not overly so.. The only sting in the tail would be a 10% commission on profits.. but fair enough if this is so sweet a deal...

About four weeks later - he phoned back with even more gusto and asked me if I was watching the rate of Gold rapidly rise as of Geopolitical factors / mortgage crisis etc. Again he asked me to consider.

On Sat or Sun I was listening to the money show rte 1 and there was a little feature about Gold which was again being sold as a safe and juicy investment option in the troubled world market place...

Firstly, anyone know anthing about ICF Holdings? Are they bona fide? Or are they another bunch of elaborate scammers?

Second is a pot of Gold a POT OF GOLD!!!!!!!!!?

Any steer or opinions on this would be most welcome..

Ta - Sidzer
To be clear, does this mean that if there is a profit, ICF get 10%. What happens if there is a loss? - Is is just you that loses, or do ICF take some of the hit?
Why go through this company? - why not directly invest in gold?
While Gold may be a good investment, I would not be inclined to invest in it through a company who has engaged in 'cold calling' and whose regulatory status is dubious/worthless;

There are plenty of other ways to invest in gold. Caveat emptor.
Ya - i would agree with teh above.

If you wanna invest in gold then just do it directly.

Like - What's teh advantage of bringing them in on the deal?
There's no advantage.

In fact - ask him that next time he calls out of curiosity just to see what kind of guff he comes out with.
Thanks folks.

I didn't get enough detail to get a clear picture of the costs - however I think only cuts are taken on profits.

Ye it possibly would be cheaper to invest in Gold through another medium although I don't quite know how.

I think part of the package on offer was that I would recieve more prime info on markets if I signed up... and that I would benefit from their expertise on different assets.

However, I am naturally a catious individual and the cold calling thing plus the unrecognised area code of their phone number has given me reason to hold fire.

I very new to investing outside bricks and mortar and know I at the bottom of a steep learning curve - so this web site is an excellent facility to shine some light and help make some sense on investments

Thanks again.
I would suggest spreadbetting as a mechanism to invest in gold.

ANd for the record - Those other guys have no expetrtise worth 10% of ur profits.
If they were that much of an expetrt they would not need other people to do the investing for them.
The reality is pretty much noone knows anythimg about how markets will perform.

You can find out anything to aid your decision making on the web or bloomberg ytv or cnbc.

Think about it - they have no risk - and yet walk away with 10% of profits.
And i can confirm for you right now that they certainly won't cover 10% of losses.

Anyone who takes up this 'deal' is asking to be taken for a ride.
Steer well clear.
How many times does this need to be repeated?

If anyone cold calls you about investing in anything, it is a scam. Do a google for 'boilerhouse scams' for more info.